My first game - Boing (including .capx)

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From the Asset Store
16 Direction Capx
$3 USD
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Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • <img src="" border="0">

    Hey guys,

    here is my first attempt at a decent game, also submitted for the Construct 2 constest.

    At the same time i'm trying to experiment with the possibilities to export this on Android aswell.

    You can try the demo here:

    As promised, I am sharing the .capx since i've been placed in the top 12 the Contest. (note: this is v0.4, my game is currently at 0.6)

    All comments and questions are welcome

  • I'm digging the concept. The controls seem simple enough that it would work really well on mobile. Good luck!

  • Cool game man. I liked it. Peaceful music too ;). I don't have anything particular to say. I really enjoyed the game. It was challenging at some parts. Especially when you missed a jump and you have to start over and wait to be on the good side before jumping again. :D

    In addition, it's true it will work well on mobile devices. I will suggest to change the background of a level when the level is done though. It's just a visual thing but for the player, it's always good ;). By the way, feel free to try also my game and leave me some comments. I will appreciate. You can play it through my signature.

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks for the feedback, anthonykojima I will definitely look into this, was planning to change it every 10 levels, but that might be a bit too long to look at the same bg

  • Pretty entertaining. Nice concept.

    Is it running fine on mobile devices? I would have loved to see a little bit more background action, perhaps some parallax - if it didnt result in choppy performance that is.

    Still its pretty fun.

  • At the moment I'm getting 15 fps on mobile devices.

    I'll be adding more and nicer backgrounds once performance is better on mobile devices.

    I am waiting for the HB C2 contest to end to start on this game again (should be today)

  • very nice game mechanic/concept sir,

    to echo the others, this begs a mobile version. even kids could play this, as they learn cognitive skills from it's simple navigation.

    well done so far...

  • There's an android version on the demo page, feel free to try it out :)

  • alas,

    i have an ipad, so along with being hated by most people for illogical reasons, i also can't test it

  • Enjoyed it... very good :)

  • I'm happy to announce that I've ende up 12th in the HBGames contest,

    as promised, I will share the .capx from this game.

    I will do so as soon as i've received my C2 license.

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  • Added the capx to the OP

  • Hey Wishy!

    Your Game is great! I really liked it and it would be great if I could study the CAPX. Unfortunately is the Playtomic-Plugin not downloadable and I cant see the Project in Construct. It would be really nice of you, if you could upload the Plugin or exclude it from the CAPX and upload a new usable CAPX.

    Your Graphics and Sound are by the Way nice!!!

  • playtomic plugin

    I just did a quick google search.

  • woww, it is an awesome game, and thanks for the capx, i will learn so many things from your capx man :) i appreciate that

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