My little project
My little project
<img src="">
I change graphic in my little project
thats a awesome improvement, I'm glad you added leg things underneath - that reall helps.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Looks good Reminds me of my mech project... Hmm maybe I could continue it hmm
Giant robot: check
Big explosion: check
Everyone loves those. Me included.
Not very ambitous but made more for learning reasons.
<img src="">
Game features stat tracking, NO sound, crap graphics and 6 XBOX360 type achievements.
Another one:
Very nice! Though... Why is Mega Man there?
You can all blame SuperV for that. He refuses to playtest anything without Mega Man in it. He's such a nerd.
I am new to Construct. So it isn't anything special so far. Just some first tests with basic movement.
Character sprite is from Braid, the others I have created my self, quick and dirty
PS: How can i embed Youtube videos here?
You can't, flash is disabled. I think they just used images.
That is looking better and better. I see you sorted the crazy camera from the last version.
OK been playing around more and made a platform engine (I know it's built in but I expanded it a little ) with State based animations.
> Another one: > > OK been playing around more and made a platform engine (I know it's built in but I expanded it a little ) with State based animations. > > > > Subscribe to Construct videos now >
> Another one:
> OK been playing around more and made a platform engine (I know it's built in but I expanded it a little ) with State based animations.
Cool stuff, I am working on the same thing for my game at the moment
newt that looks interesting