Update: I've added some lighting, dust particles while walking and finished the running animation. It's starting to look good! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> What do you think?
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/893188_510019982392062_1952574574_o.png" border="0" />
Random fellow wow! that's pixel heaven that is...great palette
robin sommer ...I get the feeling this is going to be a 2D Silent hill..brilliant lighting! Awesome job
robin Sommer
really liking the look of your game
lot of detail gone into this game.. and an adorable character too.. looks great.. have you done all the graphics yourself?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
RandomFellow - very cool. Getting a Boy and his Blob vibe from it.
You wouldn't be too far off there.
have you done all the graphics yourself?
Oh yeah. Some of the assets are just temporary though.
they are really good.. did you base the character from someone?
Hello! Let me introduce our game. It will be runner-platformer about dinosaur.
<img src="http://cs407823.vk.me/v407823377/6574/SSnGNC8VBFM.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="http://cs407823.vk.me/v407823377/657d/lUVo7tMPeHA.jpg" border="0" />
Nice graphics !
A screenshot from my first Construct 2 game.
<img src="http://solest.org/images/temp/EAR01.png" border="0" />
It's a logic maze game set in space. You can't turn left or turn around. The object is to navigate the astronaut to the warp hole.
It looks really unique, SergeyD! What's the game called?
Thanks! They're actually based off a couple characters from a web comic I used to do.
I've been working on powerups for my Hobo project this week. This is an example of one of the many uses for Beardomancy.
<img src="http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/7158/hobo2.gif" border="0" />
ahr ech ....that's almost as sinister as your avatar....
ahr ech
Now I believe I love this game even more! I always wondered what Lovecrafts Beard would've looked like, so thanks for clearing up that mystery.
Please let me know when there's a new demo up, as I'll be very keen to play it.
ahr Ech
thats so funny.. beard lovers will be flocking