artbane's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Thanks for the feedback guys.

    You can restart a map by pressing the [Esc] key.

    harrio I agree that there should be some kind of noise when you're moving around the maze. I'll look into adding a thruster sfx for the next version.

  • There's a new version of the game available. Change log:

    -Timers now count up instead of down. Used to track the best time on a level.

    -Best times are now stored locally. You can view your best times on the "Best Times" screen from the main menu.

  • Thanks for the post. I had a bit of trouble with losing focus too with the directional arrow keys. I ended up just using W, A, S, D as an alternative.

    Also thanks for the CSS code to get rid of the scrollbars.

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    "Everything's All Right" is a logic maze game set in SPACE! You play as cosmonaut Barker who has been jettisoned from his ship and now finds himself stranded in a space maze. To escape you'll need to navigate through the maze to the tear in space. Sounds easy, right? That's until you realize that you can't turn left or turn around! Not only that, your oxygen is running out! Navigate through 20 mazes to reach the end.

    The game is still a WIP. I plan on adding more levels and working in more of the narrative elements (waiting on some graphics) in the future. Any feedback at this stage would be appreciated.

  • A screenshot from my first Construct 2 game.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It's a logic maze game set in space. You can't turn left or turn around. The object is to navigate the astronaut to the warp hole.

  • 5 posts