Post screenshots of what you're working on!!

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  • RandomFellow

    I like him <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Pixel perfick, Dave Hailwood, mineet

    Thanks! I'll try to have another demo out soon.

  • Here's another shot from Courier. I finally have characters in!

    <img src="" border="0">

    By the way, you can follow more news about Courier on twitter.

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  • I've been working on powerups for my Hobo project this week. This is an example of one of the many uses for Beardomancy.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It's a cool concept you have here! Does it have page on IndieDB? I would like to track it.

  • Here are some screenshots with bosses from Ivan Fu?koff. Game is almost done. Beta is coming soon.

  • Ski Mayhem Mobile

    Here are some screens of Ski Mayhem (old version available at Arcade) getting reworked for release on Android (IOS shortly after)

    Stay updated by liking our Facebook Page, thanks :)

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

  • I've been working on powerups for my Hobo project this week. This is an example of one of the many uses for Beardomancy.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    That's... just... surreal

  • Here are some screenshots with bosses from Ivan Fu?koff. Game is almost done. Beta is coming soon.

    Now I wanna get my hands all over this one.

    Don't worry, I washed 'em first.

  • C-7 Looks great, can't wait to see this in action!

  • Hey folks,

    and this is an example how to NOT start a game!!! ;)

    I�m working on my first Construct 2 game after dealing

    with projects on Unity, UDK and Multimedia Fusion (long time).

    This is the first "test" to learn the nuts and bolts of C2

    before I start dev on a project I did long ago for MMF 2.

    I just wanted to create a simple titlescreen so I can start

    with the basic gameplay prototyping. But I am an artist and

    a lot of us just get carried away...

    Damn! Now I have a nice mainmenu and not a single line of

    gameplay code... :) :) :)


    Well let�s hope I can give you guys some progress soon.



  • I dunno if it's the artist in me, Soulsliver, but great art makes a great game. And so far, I wanna play your game super bad and I don't even know what the game is!

  • hey guys, just posting what little i have so far. it's not a screenshot, but i didn't know where would be a better place to post it...

  • Soulsliver

    I agree with RandomFellow

    I want to play too..

    your artwork is amazing

  • I have been having a blast working on this- just finding my style for art. Going for a Lovecraft / horror style-

    <img src="" border="0" />

    the water is animated a bit as well as the portal - testing animation with it up on my website:

  • CleverName81

    very clever

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