CleverName81's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • wow that was a lot of fun. difficult but enjoyable. and i'm a sucker for upgrades. well done! can't wait to see more.

  • mef1sto

    besides being beautifully designed, the game is challenging and fun. and the soundtrack is fantastic!

  • unclejunkie

    thanks for introducing me to his stuff. it's pretty incredible.

  • mef1sto

    Poise looks very polished and professional and looks like a lot of fun. is that music in the video a custom song? it sounds like he says 'project poise' at the end.


    I love that running animation. also i am a fan of parallaxed layered backgrounds. looks great so far.

  • unclejunkie

    thanks for checking it out. i agree about the menu screen. i hate it but i just wanted to throw something up as a placeholder. it will definitely change. i liked your pseudostealer though i am unfamiliar with Winged Doom. were all of those assests theirs? they look great.

  • this is my meager progress so far. nothing to do but explore the level so far. enemies and npc's will be next. controls: arrows to move and jump, F for 2x zoom, ESC to go back to 1x.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Val

    Thanks for mentioning 'over draw'. i had never heard of it. i'm looking into it now (also your seaturtle game is beautiful).

  • hi everyone,

    i've come to show off what i've been working on and ask a question.

    i'm making a story driven platformer and i've never done this before. i'd like to ask someone with more experience how i should go about streamlining my design. i've built the level with tiles but my computer seems to be struggling with what i've made so far and the FPS are super low. also, when i test the game as i build it, it looks fine. however, when i export it i get some extreme gap-age between the tiles. any suggestions?

    my game so far...

  • hey guys, just posting what little i have so far. it's not a screenshot, but i didn't know where would be a better place to post it...

  • TELLES0808, that was very helpful. i figured out how to get the result i wanted with a 'pick instance' event. i'm not entirely sure why it works but it does. however, your workflow is very clean and once i get to cleaning/refining my event sheet, i will reference this closely. thank your very much.

  • Try Construct 3

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    Here's an example:

    that was really helpful. i still haven't quite figured out how to implement what i want but that has put me much closer. thank you so much!

  • Try something like this

    On melee attack hit

    .. set enemy animation frame to enemy.animationframe+1

    so i've tried that and it doesn't seem to work. what i have going is the enemy has a walking animation that stops when the player gets close (event:Sprite-->Platform On Stopped-->action:Sprite-->Stop animation

                                       -->action:Sprite-->Set anim. frame to 4)

    after he stops, i want the player to hit him three times with each hit advancing one frame of animation to show the damage he's taken.

    i've named the damage animation 'collapse' so i tried this:

    (action:Sprite-->Set frame to (Sprite.Collapse.frame+1)%Sprite.Collapse.Animationframecount)

    but that doesn't seem to work. not that i know why it would, i don't really know what i'm doing obviously. haha.

    thanks anyway for your help.

  • okay, so i am building a pretty straight-forward platformer and i am having trouble assigning a certain behavior to one of my enemies.

    i want the player's melee attack against the enemy to advance a separate animation for the enemy by one frame for each collision.

    it seems like it shouldn't be as difficult to implement as i am making it. anyone have any ideas?

  • I've been wanting to build my own games for some time now and have felt intimidated by the amount of programming languages i would have to learn/teach myself. However, after picking up the basics of Construct 2 i am so excited to start creating my own games and i can't thank the team here enough for creating such an inviting and user-friendly interface. Every new capability i learn within this program opens up so many creative possibilities. I can't wait to start telling/sharing my own stories. Thank you!

  • 15 posts