Game levels

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  • Hey, I was wondering. How do you make multiple rooms in a game? (Is that the technical name for it? In Game Maker <>, that's what you call each screen: the menu, each level, etc.) I can't seem to make a game with multiple levels, and the multiple rooms thing is how I know how to do it.

  • Hey, I was wondering. How do you make multiple rooms in a game? (Is that the technical name for it? In Game Maker <>, that's what you call each screen: the menu, each level, etc.) I can't seem to make a game with multiple levels, and the multiple rooms thing is how I know how to do it.

    While they are not exactly the same, what Game Maker calls rooms, Construct 2 calls layouts.

    Rooms = Layouts

    So, if you want a game with 10 levels, create 10 layouts (plus one for the start screen, one for the end screen, and one for the Hebrew God ....)

    This tutorial explains in greater detail:

  • Thanks!

    One more random thing. Should Nintendo or Sega sue me if I made a game starring Sonic Suit Mario?

    (I don't want to give anything away, but Mario is fighting Bowser when he gets knocked through the wall, with a poster of Sonic on it, and then Eggman mistakes Mario for Sonic, kidnaps Peach mistaking her for Amy on stilts or something, and

    ...HyperSonic Mario to the Rescue!!!)

  • I think you should be fine as long as you don't claim it as your own and/or charge money for it.

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  • This post explains you why you shouldn't do that.

  • It's frowned upon around these parts but the reality is there are hundreds if not thousands of fan-games and unless you sell it/claim it as your own you will be just fine. The chances of Nintendo or Sega even hearing about your game are one in a million, and even if they do, they won't give a damn unless it's directly affecting their business, which it won't.

    Many people even claim Nintendo appreciates fan-games; They're a testament to the fans' love for their work.

  • heck, just tell them it was parody joke so they don't sue you

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ok. Thanks guys!

    In case I get an email, I've got another backup character anyways. (Johnny from that song, "Go Johnny Go!", and he's got skates, a wing-suit, and huge pencil up his sleeve!) I'm still working it out, but I think Sonic Suit Mario is funnier!

  • I'm going to do that later, after I can get a simpler game engine up and running. So far, I've got nothin' but a stupid one where a guy ghosts through walls. And guess why: I don't know how to program a wall yet! Oh well. I'll get the hang of it.


    Hey! What about Alpha Nerd as a hero? I certainly could use his help anyways!

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