SonicSuitMario's Forum Posts

  • I didn't really want to publish my project, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. Is there a way to export it and run it locally without uploading it? Thanks a bunch!

  • Oh, I get it! So if I upload it to Google Drive, set it to "Share with anyone with a link", and then paste it HERE...

    ... anyone can download the file! Thanks!

    <15 seconds later...> Ok, maybe it wasn't just like what you guys did... :P

  • I really like how those work! I've recreated those myself, and it's actually simpler than I was expecting. Who knew? Anyways, the next step would be to have them help each other out. (What I was imagining was that there were 3 characters, a fast one, strong one, and one who can fly. They could interact in ways like the strong one throws the flier, the flier picks up the runner, etc.) I'll see if I can make these, but I'd like some help if you guys are willing!

    ... how did you guys upload your CAPX's? I wanted to share mine, but I don't see how to do it.

  • Hey, that's great guys! Both are really great! How did you do that?!

    One other thing, is it simple enough to make them... interact with each other? Such as bouncing off each other like in New Super Mario Bros. Wii?

  • Hey there, I was wondering if there's a way to make a game with more than one character in play. Like a multiplayer game, but where you switch characters? I've seen something like it before, but it's another code. is the homepage of Open Sonic, a game based on this idea. Does anyone have any idea how to make something similar to this in Construct 2? Thanks!

  • aridale That sort of looks right, but I don't know. I need to do more with it than random sprite. Now that I think about it, I need a "random object" function, so that it can make the individual pieces, like when it breaks the rows when you finish that.

    That does look good, though. Maybe I'll use that for something else. Thanks anyway!

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  • Hey guys! You probably have heard of Tetris, that classic game with falling pieces. Is anyone willing to give me a hand in making a game similar to this?

    First of all, I'm having trouble getting it to make random objects of different sprites. Does anyone know how to make the piece where it randomly chooses what tile to give you? And is there a way to get it to recolor it so I don't need as many sprites? Thanks!

  • I'm looking for 3 kinds of screens: one that has the questions and scorecard and one that has a question and is linked to the last one, an answer room with a "Correct? Yes or No" switch.. Or maybe in the question room the character steps on one of 4 buttons, each with an answer, and the correct one gives 1-5 coins, the wrong ones blowing him up. Which layout is better?

  • Hey there! I'm trying to make a game that would work similar to Jepoardy, possibly controlled by a character that goes through doors to a room with the question. But that'll be more complicated. Do you guys think you could help me to make this? I'll cite you guys if you help build it!

  • I was going to make a game where Mario gets blasted through a wall, courtesy of Bowser. He lands in a costume store, walks out with a hedgehog suit on backwards (and with roller skates) , runs into a wall coated in blue wet pain, and comes out looking like Sonic. Eggman mistakes Mario for Sonic, kidnaps Peach from out of Bowser's hands thinking she's Amy on stilts or something, and HyperSonicMario to the Rescue!!!

    But scratch that. It'll have to be somebody else. Aww man, that would've made a great game! And a comic book!

  • Hmm... I was thinking of doing a game that I guess I'll have to kill... Thanks for potentially saving my life!

    Is Johnny Thunder taken?

  • I'm going to do that later, after I can get a simpler game engine up and running. So far, I've got nothin' but a stupid one where a guy ghosts through walls. And guess why: I don't know how to program a wall yet! Oh well. I'll get the hang of it.


    Hey! What about Alpha Nerd as a hero? I certainly could use his help anyways!

  • Hey. I'm trying to design a game that's going to be kinda complicated, so I'm going to make a few practice games. Do you guys know how to copy pieces from one game file to another? Thanks in advance, this will probably save my games a hundred time over!

  • Ok. Thanks guys! I'll work on that a bit.

    And how did you guys know I just got Construct 2? (last month if you want specifics... but yeah, how?)

    But that's some good advice. Maybe I can make games based on the previously decided elements and make ...Dr. Tetris out of a fusion of all the others!

    New question: Is there a way to copy elements from one game into another if I keep the original files?

  • Hey guys! I've got a really cool idea for a funky game that'll be a major project. Could I get some help with how to code some things?

    The story idea is this: There's a scientist who's trying to do something that involves the Internet and quantum teleportation. Meanwhile his assistant is playing Tetris. When the scientist, (maybe called Professor Interrobang?) turns on this huge machine, he's zapped and disappears into Tetris land! When he wakes up, he's at the bottom of the assistant's computer screen, in the Tetris game, and there's a door at the top. This is the tutorial level, and when he gets to the top he fights his way through Tetromino robots, rain, bridges, and more! And at the end there's a King Tetris who drops bricks everywhere. But you can climb the blocks (Or wall-jump off of them while they fall) and hit him to attack. He takes 3 hits before he dies, and about then... I need a better story idea. Was it just a dream? Should King Tetris be covering a door back to the teleporter? I need to work on that...

    Anyways I'm stuck on programming it. I need help with the Tetris part. Anyone know how to make a simplified version? All I want is for the player to be able to rotate and drop them. The Doc needs to be able to get squashed by them, to jump off their sides, and to stand on top of them.

    And what should his attack be? Jumping on the robotic Tetrominoes (that are in the Platformer style levels)? Throwing blocks?

    Could somebody help code this? Or maybe we could even start a collab! What do you guys say?