Once again, I don't give a crap about image painting, editing, modifying or whatever.
All I'm saying in first post is related to have more control over animations and animation frames.
There is no external software that will import your frames or sprite sheets, set all animation names with correct properties and set all Image points with collision mask.
If you start using more then 2 animations and more then 3 frames per animation you will then understand how wonderful and friendly image editor is.
Irbis thanks for pointing that out
Thndr You are misunderstanding. I'm importing nice and tidy spritesheets. but there's a lot of them. and for every each of them I need to set diffrent animation name with different properties. Wouldn't be easier to just import spritesheet as animation while preserving file name as animation name? Wouldn't be easier to select all animations and set only once "speed = 0" then click each one every time? Wouldn't be easier to be able to copy image point or collision mask and past it to all frames you want instead of manually placing it for each frame (yes there is an option to set for whole animation or for all animations, but it's good only in some cases) ?
I've attached one of my simplest spritesheets - this is first frame of walk cycle animation. There are 56 more spritesheets with same setup.