i agree with most points, and would mostly like to see this implemented:
- shift + click on "guess collision polygon" - for whole animation (instead of frame by frame -.-')
- adding imagepoints on whole animation then renaming it - renames only the first one - they should be "connected"
- deleting the same way as above
+ all the other things that people mentioned.
now Ashley told me that the best usage for spriteshitting is 2^n -2 x 2^n -2, for example - 512x512 should be resized to 510,510, because that's 2^9-2 x 2^9 -2. Now i've tested some stuff in my game and guess what? it's really saving up memory, depending on your resolutions quite a lot.
I've exported default (huge animation of 150 frames each 512x512) and i got - 10 spritesheets 2048x2048 + 3 x 1024x1024 pixels which gives all together - 45088768 pixels. now do the math 32 bit per pixel - 1442840576 - divide by 8 for bytes, and 1024 for kb and another 1024 for mb - 172MB.
after that i resized for these 2 pixels so now i exported again - and i only got 10 spritesheets. So now the usage is - (10 x 2048 x 2048 * 32)/(8x1024*1024) = 160MB
therefore we've saved 12MB of memory usage. But the overall download size increased because spritesheets had more data in them - from 10MB to 16MB.
Of course that this seems a little, but take your whole game - let's say 200 sprites with 2-3 animations - 400-600 animations with 50 frames - 20 000 frames - you could save a lot!