what people don't get is that you need to invest a lot of time to actually achieve something.
everyone wants to get rich with 1 game done over 1 night, and those are for sure doomed to fail. (both games and persons).
there's a couple of culprits here:
1. if you're a new developer (which most of new people here are, asking for "native exports" and such) - you didn't invest enough time to optimize your game, or overall you didn't invest enough time to use debugger, learn, watch stats, compare, learn, learn, and learn some more.. about game development and you end up developing a game that is slow on ios/android/nw and so on. in my time of construct i've made 2 games for myself (just to try the engine - both worked wonderfull), now i've bought the engine when i have the knowledge enough to make a good mobile game. and no i don't expect my first game to earn me millions, but a couple of bucks will do. and slowly until i get to at least 3k$ /monthly which is just fine for me. and yes i've wasted 1.5 year of learning and now i'm ready to start building my first game for sale on mobiles. (if you check my sig i've only done this 1 lvl isometric game which serves as a template, and trust me.. i've learned a LOT and devloped a great template that will serve me later).
oh yes, and also - i'm a developer in c#, finished computer science + programming of information systems & programming engineering on my college (loads of programming and projects, learning about project management, design patterns. graphics, AI, and so on..) AND YET AGAIN it took me 1.5YEAR to PREPARE for real work.
2. not a single engine is perfect. yes unreal is a perfect engine if you (like i said in 1. waste a year for learning, and half a year for tryin' to develop a full game / or at least a level) - and after that - you are ready to go. The same would be with any engine - just that unity / unreal have even steeper learning curves and you could probably spend half of your life learning whole unreal/unity. And guess what - when export fails and you are stuck on their next update or so - it's really bad. That's why C2 is great - javascript and c2's engine is pretty new, works good, is mobile, is made out from more 3rd parties but that overall lets you combine it however you want. which is way better because you only need to learn javascript - which will take you 2-3 weeks instead of 2-3 years and you can start writing your own plugins /fix existins / etc... but i guess everyone just wants "one click to heaven" program. there is no such.
3. stupid people be stupid. you can't and you will never get rich over night. not legally at least. it takes time. be patient.
4. games market is really full of any kind of **** - android mostly - everyone wants to export their super duper games there but most of those games are crap. and more and more crap is coming to android and google doesn't give a ***** i've seen like 10 youtube apps, they all suck (except the original one ...)
5. new games needs to be thought out, you gotta occupy people with some neat interesting gaming way, instead of sticking to checked ones like touching only without gestures. or you will never attract new people. using gyro, location, etc.. be imaginative, don't copy other games.
6. without ads you're nothing. of course that means that you will have to invest some money to promote your game. maybe your game won' be played when just put on, but it definitely will be, so save some money for advertising your game...