...make the pasting more precise? I don't know if it is happening to me only, but when I paste something, it always goes to the bottom of the block and I have to manually put it in the right place. This gets quite annoying when you have basically the same code repeated multiple times, but with minor changes.
Also, The audio plugging, does it have an option to check for if a sound/music has stopped playing? Could it be implemented?
EDIT: OH and yes, the Boolean are confusing sometimes...
For example, I have an object with a Boolean called "Active", in the conditions, I am not able to set it to true or false, it just says "[object name|is [Boolean name]. O_o Does this mean it's always active or ...? I have a hard time getting used to this, because I always worked with Boolean in a way where it was either, on or off/0 or 1/true or false.