Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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Create outstanding war game experiences with Battle Royale Game sound fx pack by Epic Stock Media.
  • i dont have sony phone. can anyone test on sony? i want to be sure its run perfect before i give it to people.

    نه برنامه نویسی اندروید رو هنوز یاد نگرفتم.

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    راحت برای اندروید خروجی می ده.

    وقتی با coconjs خروجی می گیرم رو sii از بازی در میاد.

  • IntelRobert Could you please tell me how to disable the gpu blacklist in the latest beta?

  • it is disable by default. please someone test it in sony and htc and other devices and tell us about performance and crashes.

  • I just need help how to put admob and analytics on my projects...

    Can anyone help me out.. i need it on building over intel xdk

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  • Our July release will have support for cordova/phonegap plugins. There are plugins for admob, in-app-payment, and other useful services. Users will be less dependent on XDK & crosswalk to add features when a phonegap plugin is available. The release is a few weeks away, and then someone will have to write a c2 plugin that calls the phonegap plugin.

    I just need help how to put admob and analytics on my projects...

    Can anyone help me out.. i need it on building over intel xdk

  • Our July release will have support for cordova/phonegap plugins. There are plugins for admob, in-app-payment, and other useful services. Users will be less dependent on XDK & crosswalk to add features when a phonegap plugin is available. The release is a few weeks away, and then someone will have to write a c2 plugin that calls the phonegap plugin.

    > I just need help how to put admob and analytics on my projects...

    > Can anyone help me out.. i need it on building over intel xdk


    Great thanks you very much

  • Our July release will have support for cordova/phonegap plugins. There are plugins for admob, in-app-payment, and other useful services. Users will be less dependent on XDK & crosswalk to add features when a phonegap plugin is available. The release is a few weeks away, and then someone will have to write a c2 plugin that calls the phonegap plugin.

    We are all eagerly looking forward to it! Would be the perfect Android option!

  • so if XDK will depend on phonegap plugins, what is the advantage of using XDK over Phonegap?

  • After a hard work, my colleague solved this know the solution send me a Pm.

  • IntelRobert Thanks!, it has been hell without this support for ads, IAP and other services such as phonegap plugins.

  • I've created a small game and tried to export to Android with crosswalk.

    The emulation seems to work pretty well but when i build the game, install and launch it on my nexus 7, I have a white screen just after the splash screen.

    Can someone help me?

    edit: finally it worked

  • I've created a small game and tried to export to Android with crosswalk.

    The emulation seems to work pretty well but when i build the game, install and launch it on my nexus 7, I have a white screen just after the splash screen.

    Can someone help me?

    edit: finally it worked

    How you fix it?

  • Hi everybody.

    I was recommended to visit this post to look for help related to Intel XDK problems.

    I am trying to develop a game that will use accelerometer to move the player around, I already have the game finished and accelerometer is working (at least on the cocoonjs launcher), however, when I try to build the game using IntelXDK with the option "Crosswalk for Android" the game won´t work, I know that this is not an event related problem because, as I already said, the game works just fine when I test it on my android device using the cocoonjs launcher, also, I used the debug option from the intel XDK and it works when I simulate the accelerometer movement on it. I want to note that I am using this tutorial ... -crosswalk so I am setting the corresponding plugin options accordingly (accelerometer ->YES). I have no idea why this is not working, I am a developer and I could try and fix it, the problem is, I don´t even know where I should start looking!!. I would really appreciate any help you could give me guys. I was also recommended to ask someone called In any case thank you everbody.

  • Is it possible to send a simple capx that shows the problem by PM?

    Hi everybody.

    I was recommended to visit this post to look for help related to Intel XDK problems.

    I am trying to develop a game that will use accelerometer to move the player around, I already have the game finished and accelerometer is working (at least on the cocoonjs launcher), however, when I try to build the game using IntelXDK with the option "Crosswalk for Android" the game won´t work, I know that this is not an event related problem because, as I already said, the game works just fine when I test it on my android device using the cocoonjs launcher, also, I used the debug option from the intel XDK and it works when I simulate the accelerometer movement on it. I want to note that I am using this tutorial ... -crosswalk so I am setting the corresponding plugin options accordingly (accelerometer ->YES). I have no idea why this is not working, I am a developer and I could try and fix it, the problem is, I don´t even know where I should start looking!!. I would really appreciate any help you could give me guys. I was also recommended to ask someone called In any case thank you everbody.

  • allowing phonegap to the XDK would be a nice way to get ads or monetisation if done properly. looking forward for the update

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