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    If you think D0p2000 is not being co-operative, take a step back and look. D0p2000 is more than co-operating. He created a thread and asked reasonable questions. He has offered up his time and provided you with lots of options and details. As a response, you closed the bug. That is not helping anyone.

    Instead of being so hostile and jumping on any chance of closing these threads everytime, how about creating a safe environment people can openly discuss the issue and come up with solutions? You know, be proactive instead of discouraging any type of talk about the issue.

    There are a ton of stuff still to try and a ton of workarounds that help mitigate the issue. I can't post any of them without thinking you are going to ban me or just close the thread for doing so. As a result, I have numerous people msg'ing me for these suggestions, more and more each day. It is a tad crazy when you think about that...people have to PM me for help, because they don't want to be called a troll or get banned by you for questioning this bug.

    It is clear you are not going to give the time required to assist people in figuring it out (yes, you have given time, but not enough time to properly help your users and that is OK given how busy you are...). The least you could do is create a safe and open environment people can try and figure it out. Considering we are all trying to solve an issue that includes running your software, that sounds completely resonable to me. Open up a thread, acknowledging people are getting this issue. Set some ground rules and let people gather solutions together. Let people feel safe in your forums, and who knows, maybe C2 will run on W10 like it does on W7 one day. Perhaps a thread similar to the NW.js roundup thread would be helpful.

  • The steps have been mentioned and are "use the (any) project until it happens." Given that, what exactly would you like included that is not already?

    Incase you are interested, a few more details about the bug:

    It just happened to me here (note: nothing special was done for this to occur and it has nothing to do with my project itself, as it can happen to the out-of-the-box tutorials):


    You will see that the image is clearly loaded in Construct, but when you try to edit it the editor reports it being 0x0pixel. Trying to run the preview will result in odd behaviour, such as pcprice76. When this occurs, every single image has this behavior in the entire project.

    Furthermore, if you try to export when this happens the export itself is corrupted and gets weird behavior.

    There are no windows errors reported during this time.

    Drivers are up to date. It happens on both old and new Windows 10 versions. I am unsure if it happens outside of Windows 10.

    It happens on both NVIDIA and Intel Graphics.

    Windows error checking reports no issues.

    It happens to me pretty infrequently.

    It happens on R252, and roughly r240. I cannot recall exactly the oldest version I used this occurred on.

    Is there anything else you would need and just putting two and two together I would imagine given there is no solid way that is known to reproduce the issue, it will stay opened and unfixed. In that case, does the thread (or a new one created as you have requested) belong in closed, or would it stay in open bugs?

    Lastly, what would you suggest we look out for, or collect when this issue occurs?

    To be clear, I am asking:

    1) What exactly do you require the new bug report to have, that is not already in this thread

    2) What can be collected by end-users when the issue occurs that might hint at the issue

    3) Is it possible to have a debug output version of Construct to try and capture information that might help determine the cause of the issue

    4) Is there a point of a new bug report, or is it going to just be closed because you cannot realistically reproduce it? Or, can you use this one now that the steps have been clarified?

  • The capx is useless in this case, as it's not related to it.

    Yeah, It falls under this:

    [quote:2oz1fsgm]If you are reporting a bug in the editor itself, a .capx file can in some cases be unnecessary. However, if including a .capx file could in any way improve the report or save time, then it will be held to this rule.

    But I am not sure if there was another requirement missing.

    I've had this happen on even tutorial capx's that come with Construct. It is not the CAPX at all, and it is not consistently reproducible with any one capx. That is, there is no CAPX to be made this happens everytime you load it. Personally, I have only hit this once every couple of weeks.

    When the bug occurs, it behaves almost like Construct for some reason lost access to the images/files required for the project to run or some other issue that gets the system (system being a combination of Construct and Windows) all confused. When it occurs, when you open up any image in Constructs editor, it is blank, a 0x0 pixel image. Closing Construct (shutting it down fully) and re-opening Construct will get it going again. There are no error messages within Construct itself when this occurs.

    If you export the project when this occurs, the exported project will be corrupted and have very weird behavior. The project itself does not appear to get corrupted (as re-opening it seems to go back to normal). This behavior is what leads me to believe it is some sort of file changing or permissions error most likely caused by the perfect timing of events. When this occurs it can be confusing to a user who does not realize they are hitting this issue. So, if you get corrupted exports and before you go spend hours debugging your code you should try opening an image to see if you hit this issue. If so, simply close Construct and open the same project again re-exporting it.

    I don't put my computer into standby, so I think that can get ruled out as the root cause unless there is more than 1 cause. Instead, it would line up with my thoughts on it being a "perfect timing" issue, or permissions.

    Unfortunately, unless Scirra has encountered this previously or already knows what might be causing it I don't see it getting fixed (although I wouldn't mind being proved wrong for the greater good). This is because the nature of this bug, Scirra would need to run a project for hours on end, and might not ever hit the issue (which makes brute force testing this bug not reasonable). The only way that makes sense to figure it out would be a version of Construct that has log outputs. Scirra can correct me here if I am wrong, but I don't believe they provide such a version of Construct.

    Given that, I strongly recommend if you are not already to use a repository and back up your project often. Even though this bug does not corrupt your project itself, you should do this anyways for safe keeping. If you hit the issue, re-open Construct to keep working without a hitch.

    You also mentioned you close Construct when this error occurs and lose work. Last time I hit this error, I actually tried saving Construct before re-opening it. My project appeared to be OK, so next time it happens try saving to see what happens and so you don't lose work. But, don't try this unless you have a recent back-up (just incase). Worst case scenario, you can try saving it as a brand new project.

  • hello,

    I thought, before submitting a feature request (https://construct3.ideas.aha.io), I will ask here first.

    Would it be useful to have a functionality in C3 that checks (for example when exporting) if a sprite is in use by an event?

    I am sometimes messy and notice unused global variables and sprites.

    But projects usually have sprites that are not used in events, so the result will not be waterproof.

    This feature could be a possible checklist, but I do not know if the checklist will be readable with large projects.

    What is your opinion?

    That is actually super useful and included in most programming IDE's that I have used. Sort of like a warning box saying "hey, x, y, z is not used." From experience, a lot of programmers end up just ignoring such warnings...but definitely helpful to those who use it.

  • Your post doesn't follow the Bug Report Requirements which means it is likely to be closed without investigation.

    Are you referring to the requirement of a capx?

  • Thanks for the reply humanscape. I have checked all seemingly obvious things like opacity and visibility. Unfortunately I cannot post he capx as its quite large and has many includes.

    It is really a guessing game without the capx. I've hit similar issues when changing fading on one layout, but forgetting to change it on the other. Or, hiding objects at the wrong time. I am sure it is relatively simply

    Large capx is not an issue with dropbox and such. However, I can understand if you do not want to hand it out due to the content, and to prevent giving out trade secrets. You can upload it to a secure location and send it to me if you wish (I pinky promise not to cause harm). Alternatively, you would need to strip it down to something you can send that would pose no threat to your capx in the future.

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  • I am not sure I fully follow what you are doing, but based on what you posted check to see if you are using any type of fading on the objects.

    This is a loose-possibility based on what you have posted but it seems similar to an issue with conflicting hiding vs. fading at the same time.

    The capx would help.

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    - you have made false statements like "C2 does not support W10". That is a lie, and there have been many other cases of a needlessly exaggerated and combative attitude. Either you use the forums according to our rules, or you don't use the forum.

    Ashley, all I can say is at this point is that this is derailing this thread. This is not the place to discuss this. I have genuinely on numerous occasions tried to speak with you to clear the air. You keep escalating instead of de-escalating. I have no clue why, but it is what it is. If you are unwilling to take me up on my offer to smooth things over, there is nothing I can do. Try to look at it from my perspective, you are the one threatening to ban a user who is legitimately trying to help users and instead of working with the user to better the community, you rather just ban him.

    Anyways, like I said this is not the place for this. It is taking away from Methuselah 's thread. If you have further comments, Ashley, I'd appreciate if it was in a way we can actually clear the air instead of letting things getting worse. Or, if you think this is the right place, then, by all means, say so because I don't want to get banned for something so trivial as derailing a thread.

  • what about using onTouched?

    If you need is touching, you could add a variable of the sorts to say one was created.

    then only create the object when this variable is set to no object created.

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    Ashley, I honestly don't know what your problem is. You handle things the way you want. You can take my feedback and improve. I have given you ample opportunity to smooth things over, but you repeatedly attack me and make things up. As such, I am going to refrain from replying to you further. If I see your post, or you referencing me, I will simply not reply. But if a user asks a question, and I can help or have facts then I will post them. I have not made anything up, have not lied, and have done nothing but helped out the community.

    I fully believe you would wrongfully ban me and ban me for answering a users question and being helpful. So to be clear. I have numerous times tried to reach out to you on here, discord, and email to see what the issues were. You have denied every attempt. You would be "force-banning" me (essentially banning because you don't like me). You have offered no way for me to contact you and to discuss what exactly your issue is. All I have done is state facts and report a bug. If you honestly think that is worth banning, you have more issues on your hand then "scaremongering ruining sales" you would be doing it all on your own.

    TL:Dr; If being helpful to users is a bannable offense, perhaps you should take a step back and ask yourself why so many heavy C2 users have left, including major plugin developers. If you have a specific issue with me, then private message me and let's discuss with no confusion of what the root issue is.

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    > > and dop2000 have you tried running W10 in safe mode?

    > >

    > That, I have not tried actually. Surprisingly, not sure why. Definitely worth a shot.


    Also do a try on disable "fast startup"

    I have tried that and tried doing a full shutdown (windows 10 actually introduced this concept of apps that "resume" on startup, similar to OSX's feature. I shut this down completely to make sure no other program is interfering). No change in the issues. This is why I hate my bug report was wrongly closed, I can't update it with these details.

    I hope this gives you some things to try or not try that have not worked with others. Let me know how it goes for you and what worked or did not work.

  • Plugins are extensions to Construct and allow additional functionality. The project you refer to uses this plugin and will not work without it being included. Not all projects need plugins, but if you use a plugin it requires it. Otherwise, Construct won't know what you are referencing.

    Think of it like a car battery. You can have a car without a battery, but it won't start without one. The battery is a plugin to the car to add functionality. Without it, it is just a cool vehicle you can sit in.

  • following as I have had this happen

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    and dop2000 have you tried running W10 in safe mode?

    That, I have not tried actually. Surprisingly, not sure why. Definitely worth a shot.

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    running on w7 compatibily mode in your computer doesn't work fine like w7 on VM?

    It did not for me. But it is worth a shot for Methuselah to try.

    I also tried an elevated privilege start, and adjusting CPU Affinity.