Kronar's Forum Posts

  • I just updated to the newest XDK. I keep getting an access denied error when I try to download my APKs. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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  • IntelRobert Could you please tell me how to disable the gpu blacklist in the latest beta?

  • IntelRobert Those changes would be very helpful. Thank you for keeping us updated.

  • I am currently using LeadBolt with Pode's iFrame plugin. Don't count on any technical support from Leadbolt as their C2 plugin only works with PhoneGap. LeadBolt with Pode's Plugin hack somewhat works. Expect different unpredictable and crappy behavior on different phones, similar to the way C2 and XDK work.

  • Kronar, sorry for late reply.


    > * Does this mean that any device with any audio driver issues will crash when trying to play any sound effect?



    Yes, if the sound effect exactly triggers the driver bug.


    > * Is there any work around to this problem?


    Since it is a hardware issue, the only workaround is not to use that sound effect.

    Are you suggesting that the sound file that Construct 2 encoded is the cause of the crash?

    Earlier you suggested it was a sound driver issue. But now you suggest it is a hardware issue. Which is it?

    Sound effects and streams played on the same device through other applications and games do not have a problem. The exact same sound effect files play fine on an audio player on the same device. I highly doubt this is hardware issue nor a sound driver issue otherwise audio would be a major problem on this device and it is not.

  • Thanks part12studios.

  • I am currently testing out Leadbolt using the Pode's iFrame plugin. The ads seem to be working fine except for their display scale. I am only using the bottom banner 640x100 ad. I've tried setting the Leadbolt settings to this size and also tried Auto-Stretch but the ads still seem to be displayed too large for the iFrame. Has anyone experienced this? Any suggestions on how to properly display the ads so that they are the size of the iFrame?

  • Hello hmin,

    I tried running my build in Chrome for Android on the same device and the same thing happens, it crashes when playing a sound effect.

    * Does this mean that any device with any audio driver issues will crash when trying to play any sound effect?

    * Is there any work around to this problem?

  • Hello hmin,

    I am using the latest XDK compiler BETA Crosswalk on Cordova 3.4.0 and the latest Construct 2. When running the APK on an Alcatel Fierce One phone I get a crash. The crash happens when the game tries to play any sound effect. Streaming music works fine on this phone but as soon as any sound effect plays the game crashes and exits immediately. If I do not play sound effects the games runs fine. The exact same build runs perfectly fine on a Samsung Galaxy 4 and plays sound effects fine.

    I do not have an extensive Android handset collection on hand but this crash worries me as to how many other phones this will be a problem with. Do you guys run unit tests on many handsets with XDK/Crosswalk?

  • Tekniko Thanks for your comments. I agree with you and its ultimately what I am going to have to do. Its crazy that something so basic and standard is absent in Construct 2. I like the tool but there is a lot of room for improvement.

    Jase00 That works if you have setup your images correctly. I am trying to do that now with my pre-rendered 3D images now. Its not easy since I have additional processing to do in PS now. The point is that all this can be avoided if Construct would simply support packed spritesheets. Also cropping alone is a savings but nowhere near as much as a properly packed spritesheet.

  • Thanks for that example Arima, very helpful. I see how your animation gets cropped and plays back properly without jitter. I will figure out how to align my pre-rendered 3D frames/origin similar to your 2D artwork. Thanks again, this will be a nice savings.

  • Joannesalfa Is your method different than Arima? Lets walk through the steps.

    Suppose you begin with an animation like the one I posted. All frames are identical in size and have the same origin. Lets say the origin is 80, 120. Its important to try a realistic example where the origin is not at the center.

    1) Shift + click on the crop icon. This trims the empty space in each frame in an animation. Now all frames have different sizes and all of the origins also have different values.

    2) Preview the animation. Observe the jitter between frames.

    Did I miss something? It would be nice to have the cropping working as you suggested as that is a major savings.

  • Arima Thanks for your suggestion. I just tried it and unfortunately did not work. The origin points will remain in the same place for each frame but because of the frame size differences the animation playback will 'jitter'. For cropping to work, the engine needs to take into account how much got cropped off in each frame and offset each origin appropriately.

  • newt Where was blame cast?

    tgeorgemihai Spriter is an entirely different tool for an entirely different purpose. Please read the entire thread to get a better understanding.

    Joannesalfa 90 degree rotations are standard optimizations when packing spritesheets. Think 'Tetris', where you rotate the shapes to make them fit tighter together.

    I took the time to thoroughly explain the problem so that the community and project would benefit. I want Construct 2 to continue to improve, I thinks its a great application. It already supports independent origins with each sprite frame so supporting a third a party application would be pretty easy to implement. This definitely takes priority over less useful new features like Spriter as using a spritesheet is a requirement not an option. Every single Construct 2 user would benefit greatly form this, even Spriter users would benefit.

    Let me reiterate by saying that If spritesheets were properly packed, the benefits would be HUGE. This isn't a small gain, or a good gain, this is a HUGE gain. It would not be uncommon to see a large reduction in file size, very large memory requirement reduction and FPS boost. All this without lifting a finger. All Construct 2 games would instantly gain that, no additional work, all done automatically for you.

  • The images were purposely not cropped because aligning different sized images to have the exact same origin would be incredibly difficult and nearly impossible to maintain (in case you change any image). Even cropped versions would still be incredibly wasteful.

    Cropping is always handled by a utility or the engine itself. For instance in Unity 3D, all cropping, packing and rotating is done automatically for your 2D games. Even third party libraries such as TK2D do all of this. With other engines like Corona, Moai, Marmalade or cocos2d etc..., it is done externally with an application like the one I mentioned. You don't ever want to do this by hand, not only would it take many hours for a single spritesheet but it would be prone to being inaccurate.

    Regarding your comment on duplicates. Please do tell the secret on how to add frames and avoid duplicates in spritesheets. Construct 2 should easily be able to tell duplicate images and not repeat them wastefully in spritesheets. This is a bug.

    90 degree rotations are trivial and at the GPU(webgl) and software levels(canvas2d) have no performance penalty.