C2: Game monetisation strategy will be its downfall.

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  • I think Ashley and co are doing a disservice to their great program by overlooking and not updating their own monetizations plugins. I understand that they have a lot to do but they should at least get the basics right. How is it that in 2016 they still haven't implemented consumable in their own IAP plugin? How is it that most of us have to rely on third party plugins to monetize our game with ads or reward videos? Do they want their platform to be used by hobbyist only? Do they want the C2 logo to be synonymous with crappy games made by 10 year olds?

    Really, after having completed my first project, I am now looking around for other programs just because of these 2 plugins. I would have never done this had they shipped a complete platform. I am not the only one around to complain about it. Hanging around in other game dev groups, it seems to be a recurrent theme. Ultimately, the lack of ease of any monetization strategy for developers will be its downfall while they could have made so many more sales if C2 was known to be the easiest platform to monetise a game. But maybe they are already rolling in cash so what do I know...

  • Yes I know Construct 2 is way behind in making plugins for AD monetizations. While other game making programs include most AD networks , we don't have even %25 of the available ADs networks . Most people have so much trouble with IAP and AD networks they have to buy 3rd party solutions in order to run them. Even the 3rd party solutions are starting to break. I personally didn't buy Construct 2 until the ADsToApk service was made by an outside developer who I met in another android forum. So I can use almost any AD service in my games.

    Honestly the forums are not even busy anymore the last 2-3 months its been kinda dead. Mostly the "how do I" section is the only one thats active a little bit. The only reason thats slightly active is Construct 2 is free to download otherwise the forum would be even more dead. I can't mention names but I know some developers that have moved on to other tools already because there has been little progress with Construct 2.

    By the time Construct 3 comes out there probably will not be much customers left. Thats why they want to charge existing customers for it because they know they can't really attract to many new customers. At the rate things are going I doupt there will even be a Construct 3. It like a magical project that exist only to keep developers calm as to why Construct 2 isn't being worked on more. Not even a slight hint of what features might be on it, sounds real fishy to me.

    If I had the budget I would have brought Buildbox right now but its way to expensive. Even I lose faith as the website itself has not been updated in years. It feels like a dying project on it last leg. Hopefully though I am wrong , hopefully something magical will happen.

  • Monetisation is a huge problem in C2 and I also feel that the developers are making a huge mistake ignoring it. There are number of reports in the bugs section (IAP, Admob...etc) and they are constantly being ignored.

    As a suggestion, the developers should charge extra for each plugin. I would be more than happy to pay for monetisations plugins as long as they are updated.

  • Yeah... a lot of people are complaining about this. Ive just been reading this thread about the need for the Kongregate plugin to be updated. These guys are saying how the Plugin hasnt been updated for 4 years and doesnt allow C2 users to access the latest ad features on Kongregate, like rewarded ads and video ads etc... so we are cut off from potentially higher earnings on that platform..

    Another problem Ive been looking into is how to get ads onto iOS games built with XDK... as far as I can discover there just isn't any easy way to do it (ie with XDK) ever since Apple's ad service was discontinued (iAd I think?)...

    In that thread I linked above Ashley states his preference to get third parties to develop plugins for their platforms specifically for C2, because they have a better understanding of their platforms and can do a better job with less effort that he can. I guess I can see his point of view. And there is evidence of that happening, like Appodeal for example has a plugin specifically for C2 which people seem to be using with no problems. So thats great, we just need more of that. Also I understand the C2 devs need to prioritise and at this point C3 trumps keeping various plug-ins updated.

    rainbowrex makes a good point in the same thread... saying the way forward to is to put requests into the addons subforum, asking for developers to make plugins to fill the gaps. Maybe we need to pass the hat around, scrounge up a few dollars and pay a developer to build a couple of key plugins that everyone is demanding?

    I have to say, while I can see Ashley's point of view, it's a bit demoralizing to work really hard to make a game (8 months in my case), get close to the end and then realise "wait, there's no longer an easy way to get ads on iOS?.... ugh what do you mean the IAP plugin is broken?.... what's that you say? The Kongregate plugin is 4 years out of date and we can't get access to the higher earning features available in the latest Kongregate API... well crap!"

    But anyway... moaning aint gunnu help. Ashley has stated his position. So the options are:

    1. Contact the platforms and ask if they can develop plugins for the C2 community.

    2. Try to wrangle smart, coderly types into making much needed plugins with promises of adulation and possibly some moneys... ?

    or for the brave:

    3. Anyone wanna learn to make a plugin?

  • [quote:27ufbe2m]Honestly the forums are not even busy anymore the last 2-3 months its been kinda dead.

    Thats actually not that bad. You should see FB groups. Ghost towns from 1-2 years.

  • It's kind of silly really.

    On the one hand we have non coders trying to monetize their games, that requires third party code,.... by not using code.

    While on the other Scirra is quietly working on a replacement editor, that may or may not allow users to write events, which would make it so the non coders could interact with third party code using the sdk, which is the only way to interact with third party code...

    Highlight on the may or may not.

  • Highlight on the may or may not.

    A very grim highlight I'd say. But gods be my witness - I want to be proven wrong.

  • It's kind of silly really.

    On the one hand we have non coders trying to monetize their games, that requires third party code,.... by not using code.

    While on the other Scirra is quietly working on a replacement editor, that may or may not allow users to write events, which would make it so the non coders could interact with third party code using the sdk, which is the only way to interact with third party code...

    Highlight on the may or may not.

    What is silly? A person buys a product , a product that claims it will stay up to date. The owners of the product lied and now your saying its the users fault?

    Wow I wish I could sell you a whole bunch of stuff and then not deliver. And you would accept that no problem ? You have to say yes or that means what you just posted is pure nonsense.

  • PixelPower

    Are you trying to help, or what?

    Its getting hard to tell.

  • PixelPower

    Are you trying to help, or what?

    Its getting hard to tell.

    Oh you couldn't come up with an answer this time. I telling the truth period thats very easy to tell. We paid for a product and support was promised. We are demanding that support period.

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  • I think it's good that Scirra is focusing on making a good tool for making games, instead of making plugins for monetization. Even the slogan on their front page DOESN'T say. "Monetize Games EASILY". Although it's easy to get hold of SDK's, and with a little bit of knowhow make your own plugins, i think it's good if there's options by the devs of those platforms. Although I think if you're really invested in your project, you'll find a solution.

    1. Design your game for platforms where monetization works well. After you earn a bit of money see point 2.

    2. Pay a coder to create the plugin you need for monetization on other platforms.

    3. Learn how to make your own plugins, it's good to know, but if you can't do it. See point 2.

    4. Team up with a coder that can help you with the monetization. If he don't want to do it for free, see point 2.

    5. Put in a request in the Plugins subforum. If there's not much interest from the community, see point 2.

    5. If you think there's a market for it, see point 2, and start earning money by selling the plugin on Scirra store.

    There's community created plugins for steamworks and all other kind of stuff so why not monetization plugins?

  • I don't know about Kongregate but since this topic is more about the Mobile IAP.

    First, I actually agree with you all that Scirra should hire developers to make C2 third party plugins.

    But still, regarding the Mobile IAP, there is no problem monetizing. I have tested them all and they are fine!

    You see, you are over-complicating things. Scirra is actually designed like this and we can't do anything about it, you can wait for C3 (but I have a feeling it won't make any difference with the plugins) , buy an expensive program with complete features or use free Unity also with full features but you need to code, it's just like making C2 plugins in the first place.

    If you need 100% free admob plugin: http://hermitsdevelopment.blogspot.com. ... -free.html

    If you need a free admob plugin that has reward video interstitials... The only downside is that 2% of profit goes to the developer but you can just buy it for $20.00 for all earnings to be yours: http://hermitsdevelopment.blogspot.com. ... obpro.html

    If you need an IAP that is 100% working (Paid) : https://www.scirra.com/store/construct2 ... ugins-1662 its only $10.00 or you can email cranberrygame for a discount if it's too much for you. The pack include 90+ usable plugins that will suite yor needs in mobile development.

    Now that you have the links. You can now monetize properly. I don't think the program / team itself is the problem. If you have been reading around the forums & using google as it was intended, then you wouldn't have any problem in the first place. Instead of complaining, find a way!

    And we all know why we use C2, it's because it's 'cheap' and easy to use. If you want free & full-packed features then there is UNITY 2D but you need to work harder to learn to code. Or you if you are rich, buy buildbox!

    PixelPower - The people you mentioned that left C2 , they have left because C2 is purposely intended for starting game developers. Once you earned money and bought the Business LIcense, you then need to find a better program to suite your bigger needs. That's why I am here.

    Just in case you don't know, Buildbox forums is deserted.

    Artpunk - I don't know what's happening with PC or Browser exports, so I feel sorry for your situation right now. That ******

  • I think it's good that Scirra is focusing on making a good tool for making games, instead of making plugins for monetization. Even the slogan on their front page DOESN'T say. "Monetize Games EASILY". Although it's easy to get hold of SDK's, and with a little bit of knowhow make your own plugins, i think it's good if there's options by the devs of those platforms. ...

    I agree. However if they could find resources to keep the official plugins updated, I'd be overjoyed. It might also earn more users for the engine.

  • glerikud I agree, but if it's no longer supported or way too outdated, it's better scirra remove it from the bundle. But if there's enough developers using it, making their voice heard i think it would be considered, either by Scirra or Kongregate to provide an up to date plugin.

    Maybe you can make a shoutout on the forums and see who would be interested in that kind of plugin, then e-mail kongregate saying you have X amount of users looking for an update to this plugin. I bet it would be in their interest to provide that. Just like lucid and photon are providing plugins for their services, as more users would mean more ad revenue for them as well.

  • Ashley thinks 3rd party platforms should develop their own plugins for C2 because they know it better? Ok, but why? C2 is great but it's not a clear leader in the field. Go around dev forums and ask what is their favorite 2d dev platform and see for yourself: C2 is never in the top 5. Which is a shame but it's a reality. My guess is that its for this reason that C2 isn't high on the list of priorities for 3rd party platforms. So I have great respect for Ashley but he's wrong on this.

    It's C2 job to follow the big players and adapt plugins so that 3rd party platforms are compatible, not the other way around. In my mind it would be like asking facebook to make a plugin for C2. Well, sorry but not gonna happen. So Google is not going to make an IAP plugin for C2 and neither is Apple.

    And I know we can buy plugins from other developers but not long ago I read a post about someone accusing some IAD plugins dev to take a 30% cut instead of the promised 2%. The official developer replied that he was aware that some people hacked his plugin and offered it for free with these sneaky cuts. Why do we have to put up with this shit? I make a game, I don't want to turn into a detective and find out what's real and what's not, who's trying to scam me or not when I already bought a licence for a software that was supposed to handle IADS?

    Same story for IAPs. I just bought the cranberry plugin because I found out that the Phonegap one was no longer supported. And guess what? It's apparently not working on IOS. Can you believe this? The platform where players spend the most isn't available to us and we have to wait for a 3rd party developers to come back from his holidays (or wherever) to fix it?

    In the end we are not asking Ashley and co to make crazy game specific plugins. We are asking for working basics from A to Z and IAP/ IAD are the most basic of all.

    Sell them for $10 each if needed and hire a junior developer to keep them up to date but enough with the stubbornness. The community is asking for it so perhaps it's time to listen.

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