at09's Forum Posts

  • I only just got the chance to look in to this. I've made some changes to the Mobile Advert plugin for the next beta to support requesting the IDFA, which prompts the user on iOS 14+. Note this also requires Xcode 12+ to activate - which like iOS 14 is currently still in beta. If you use Xcode 11 or older, it won't attempt to request the IDFA.

    Will the plugin enable SKAdNetwork? Or will we need to update Info.plist our self.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • User will have to give permission to be tracked in iOS 14. Google outlines the issue here: How will Cordova users be able to ask a user if they will allow IDFA tracking?

  • Mobile Monetization and Mobile IronSource Collection are going to be available for construct 2?

  • C2 runtime should certainly be retired in the future. I just think 2021 is too early because it really is necessary for iOS and Android. It is fine not to add anything new to it. Switching to C3 runtime involves us getting a lot of 1 star reviews and losing customers.

    I just think that C2 runtime should not be retired for few more years. I hope you reconsider.

  • C2 runtime might not be important for desktop but it is critical for iOS and Android.

    C3 runtime only works on iOS 12 and does not work on many devices that are on Android 5 and 6. Also WebGL2 crashes on many Mali gpu that are below chrome 74.

    According to Google (Stats have not been updated in almost a year), Android 5.0 to 6.0 is on over 30% devices. According to Apple, 7% of all iPhones and 16% of all iPads are on less than ios 12

    Most major publishers publish games that work on Android 5.0+ and iO10+.

    With C3 runtime we will lose a lot of potential customers and this will make it very difficult for major publishers to consider publishing Construct games.

  • Big companies like Facebook and Admob pay you to implement their SDK?

    I tried your network's banner ads and it showed ads from Applovin. Why?

    How you we use your network to advertise our apps?

  • Nepeo are you still working for scirra? I noticed you are not assigned to any bugs.

  • How does enhance make profit. How much of the ad revenue you take?

  • C3 runtime works only with iOS12. 11% of users still use iOS 10 or lower. That means we are several years away before we can use C3 runtime, if we want to reach decent amount of users on iOS.

    Why not implement new features on C2 runtime as well for iOS developers?

  • Owners of competing game engine recently posted the their forum:

    Over the past few weeks our team has had meetings with Lion Studios, Voodoo, Ketchapp, Green Panda, Gameloft and more, to find out specifically what they will need to make sure we accommodate. Each publisher we've talked with has been amazingly supportive...

    Would Scirra do something like this? I think it would be beneficial.

  • at09 - normally Google are more helpful; I've posted a comment to try to get a more detailed explanation.

    Ashley Google replied to your comment and pretty much acknowledged that webview will have poor performance. They also stated ”There isn't much apps can do to influence this. Chrome custom tabs / pwa is the way to go if you want to use chrome's rendering pipeline and still look like an app.”

    Is this an option for us? Would this allow us to upload apps to the AppStore/PlayStore? Would it be possible to use Cordova Plugins?

  • Most of the time games should run fine with the normal Cordova export. Poor performance is usually caused by a small number of devices that have buggy or broken graphics drivers that force the device to drop down to software rendering. There's not a lot that can be done about it, it's because the device has poor support for native OpenGL.

    Ashley It seems the performance issues are not small number of devices, it looks like it is most lower end or mid-range phones. said he has performance issue on Nokia 6.1 Plus. This phone was released around 1 month ago. Could it be that only phone with Snapdragon 800+ have acceptable performance? Even the most basic games stutter horribly on mid-range phone.

    Modern web tech is very good and nobody should have any good reasons not to rely on it, but if there are still issues, let's focus on fixing them instead of resorting to the next round of crazy hacks that will inevitably fail in some other way later down the line.

    I have took your advice and reported the issues to Google. I specifically mentioned that Chome has good performance but Webview is not as good. Here is the bug report:

    They closed it as ‘WontFix’ and stated the following in that bug report:

    “Tried on a samsung galaxy tab 4 10.1. Looks like the whole thing is swap bound. Each eglSwapBuffers is taking close to 15ms already, which is most of the frame budget already. The problem is not as severe on chrome because chrome owns the surface its drawing into and has entire control over scheduling GPU work. Webview doesn't have that luxury, and there is nothing webview can do here.”

    Using the system default webview is by far the best solution and the goal should be to ensure that works robustly for everyone. Relying on hacky workarounds generally brings its own set of problems - often worse problems - and after long enough those hacks themselves break down, which I think people are discovering yet again.

    If default Webview is by far the best solution, workarounds are not feasible and Google acknowledged that the performance is bad and will not fix the problem, then what options do we have?

    Crosswalk is no longer an option, Cocoons Webview+ is also not an option. If a month old phone has performance that is bad and google will not do anything about it and says “there is nothing webview can do here”, than this problem will continue indefinitely. What can we do?

  • I created a bug report with Chrome here:

    It might be helpful if everyone posts there with names of devices that stutter. Maybe Ashley might have something to add.

  • Ashley if this is a temporary bug like you mentioned that should be reported to Google or Samsung than it will take many months to fix.

    Everyone is frustrated when something like this happens. We lose revenue and get 1 star reviews when something like this happens.

    Please work with us to fix this issue. If using Webgl is a temporary solution to this than we will need to update our apps and use Webgl as soon as possible.

    Currently the best solution to get our apps to work is in c2runtime.js to change:




    This works if it is minified or not minified?

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