View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct Animate since the first release.
Timelines: option to change Sprite animations via 'Initial animation' property
Tween behaviour: add 'Repeat count' option
Animations editor: option to resize all animations in an object type
New 'Randomize tiling' effect
Project statistics dialog: add total lines of JavaScript code
Account dialog: add allowed lines of JavaScript code when using free edition
Properties Bar: suggest string instance variable property values (similar to expression autocomplete)
Tilemap brush editor: undo support
Auto tiling: support using brushes with families of tilemaps
Tilemap plugin: actions to use brushes by name; condition to check brush exists
Timeline bar: context menu options to convert width/height property tracks into equivalent scale property tracks
Timeline bar: setting to choose between width/height or scale as the default property tracks created while editing
Slider bar: 'On changing' trigger (fires while slider is being dragged)
Project properties 'Near distance' and 'Far distance' to control render distance
Find results bar: add option to also search text-based project files (including scripts)
Audio: 'Set listener orientation' action for 3D audio support
Audio: play positioned sounds with a Z co-ordinate for 3D audio support
Array: 'Split string' action & 'Join string' expression as more flexible alternative to tokenat()
HTML Element: 'Set scroll position' action
Timelines: option to apply system timescale to timeline
Layers bar: context menu option to open the layout containing the original global layer for overriden layer
Templates: keyboard shortcuts Ctrl/Cmd + '[' or ']' to use the "replace whole hierarchy" and "modify existing hierarchy" options respectively
Ease editor: add more methods to pan and zoom
Keyboard shortcuts: Alt + W to close the currently active tab
Add --construct-scale CSS variable on root element so it can be used in CSS measurements
Project bar: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F to focus search field
Keyboard shortcut Shift+W to close current editor tab
Add toolbar to Find All References bar with option to filter results by search term
Add toolbar to Find Results bar with search options, including new secondary filter
Instance variables dialog: allow clicking visible icon to toggle state
Audio: 'Stereo pan' parameter for 'Play' actions
Audio 'Set stereo pan' action; new stereo pan effect type
Timeline Controller: new 'Ease' expression to access ease curves directly
Ease editor: option to edit built-in ease functions plus other minor improvements
Instance variables: option to hide from Properties Bar
System 'chooseindex' expression
Export folder-based projects (using subfolders in Project Bar)
General improvements to easing editor
Timer behavior: 'Stop all timers' action
Browser: set/get CSS properties for entire document
Timeline bar: automatically delete master keyframes if all property keyframes removed
Timeline bar: add search bar to the dialog to pick instances for a timeline
Animations editor: cut/copy/paste for animations
Animations editor: transform rectangle selection with the mirror and rotate tools
Layers bar: Show if an layer is global or overridden next to each item
Drawing Canvas: new fixed resolution mode
Animations editor: edit multiple frame/animation properties at the same time
Animations editor: support multi select on the animations pane
Mouse: 'any' option for 'On mouse wheel' trigger
Mouse: WheelDeltaX/Y/Z expressions
Debugger: add some missing plugin/behavior properties
Functions: 'Copy picked' option
Functions: display return type in Event Sheet View
Remember standard export options dialog settings
Templates: context menu options to apply the hierarchy of a template to the replicas
Image sequence exporter: add WebP image format option
Audio: OutputLatency expression
Image sequence exporter: add tip about transparency
Option to share exported video