View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct Animate since the first release.

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Hierarchies: partial support for tilemaps and form controls
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New example 'Auto maze 3D'
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Parameters dialog: add parameter and return type annotations to call tips when typing expressions
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Parameters dialog: add sample usage with type annotations to incorrect expression parameter error messages
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Array: 'Shuffle' action
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System and 3D camera expressions LayerToLayerX/Y
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Add extra steps to timeline guided tour to set the 'Start on layout' property and preview
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Use cut-out mask to improve clarity of family and custom action overlay icons
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Project Bar: allow escape key to cancel a drag
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Find results: better handling for array/dictionary results, including navigating directly to result
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Particles: 'fast forward' action, allowing skipping the particle effect ahead on startup/creation
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Particles: add 'Initially visible' property
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Animations editor: option to resize pasted content larger than the current canvas to fit in it
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Audio: support for multiple tags
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Hierarchies: support opacity and visibility
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Autocomplete inherited family custom action names when creating object type custom action
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Show custom actions inherited from families
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Allow custom actions on family members to override family custom action
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System: 'On signal' trigger
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New example 'Move along curved path'
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Common expressions BBoxMidX/Y
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System expressions ViewportMidX/Y
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Move To: support moving along a timeline with a curved paths
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Layout view: hold tab while right clicking to show the context menu on the current selection rather than the top instance
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Templates & Hierarchies: add alternate keyboard shortcuts 'Alt Gr + [' and 'Alt Gr + ]' for the 'replace whole" and 'modify existing' template options
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Debugger: save object list search term while same project in use
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Export to video: add 'none' audio codec option to skip audio track
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Export to video: disable audio codec options if project does not use audio
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Example project 'Tile randomization'
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Tiled Background: conditions/actions/expressions for tile randomization
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Debugger properties for Tiled Background
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Text/SpriteFont: 'Read aloud' option, allowing text to be read out while using a screen reader
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Text/SpriteFont: more debugger properties
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Animations Editor: keyboard shortcuts Ctrl/Cmd+P to restart preview; Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P to close preview
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Timelines: option to change Sprite animations via 'Initial animation' property
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Tween behaviour: add 'Repeat count' option
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Animations editor: option to resize all animations in an object type
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New 'Randomize tiling' effect
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Project statistics dialog: add total lines of JavaScript code
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Account dialog: add allowed lines of JavaScript code when using free edition
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Properties Bar: suggest string instance variable property values (similar to expression autocomplete)
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Tilemap brush editor: undo support
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Auto tiling: support using brushes with families of tilemaps
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Tilemap plugin: actions to use brushes by name; condition to check brush exists
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Timeline bar: context menu options to convert width/height property tracks into equivalent scale property tracks
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Timeline bar: setting to choose between width/height or scale as the default property tracks created while editing
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Slider bar: 'On changing' trigger (fires while slider is being dragged)
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Project properties 'Near distance' and 'Far distance' to control render distance
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Find results bar: add option to also search text-based project files (including scripts)
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Audio: 'Set listener orientation' action for 3D audio support
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Audio: play positioned sounds with a Z co-ordinate for 3D audio support
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Array: 'Split string' action & 'Join string' expression as more flexible alternative to tokenat()
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HTML Element: 'Set scroll position' action
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Timelines: option to apply system timescale to timeline
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Layers bar: context menu option to open the layout containing the original global layer for overriden layer
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Templates: keyboard shortcuts Ctrl/Cmd + '[' or ']' to use the "replace whole hierarchy" and "modify existing hierarchy" options respectively
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Ease editor: add more methods to pan and zoom
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Keyboard shortcuts: Alt + W to close the currently active tab
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Add --construct-scale CSS variable on root element so it can be used in CSS measurements
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Project bar: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F to focus search field
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Keyboard shortcut Shift+W to close current editor tab