Drago_18's Recent Forum Activity

  • to make the car feel heavier you can increase the car density or tires density.

    talking about tire spreading out, there's no solution to that.

  • PlayerEmers , here you go https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bEdde ... h20X516IqL

    i removed unncessary actions like stepping mode, set gravity & some other stuff which I don't remember xD.

    you don't have to set gravity for every object of the car, you set the gravity in "start of layout", and gravity is set for the whole world, so setting "car set world gravity to 15" is = to saying as "world set gravity to 15".

    also physics is not framerate independent, so just don't set it that way as it will create problem with different framerates.

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  • PlayerEmers post your capx

  • PlayerEmers

    create revolute joint from tires to the car chassis and not from car to tires.

    when asked for image point for tyre type -1 as it will select the center of the tire and select car in the object option.

    so before doing this, in layout assemble the car and tires so that the joints will be placed in the position of the car and tires.

  • R0J0hound, can you help me with the message I sent you earlier?

  • R0J0hound , the example capx is not working :/

  • dop2000, thanks m8, you seem to have answer to my every questions .

    will have a deeper look at the .capx and the image. I'll get back to you if there's something else to be solved

  • Hi, how can we change the tile if it is surrounded by one or more tiles.

    ( given that grass tile has 5 images 1] grass on top,left,right. 2] grass on top, left 3] grass on top,right 4] grass on top 5] tile without grass(dirt tile). also there are other types of tiles, so to have these many tiles with multiple images, do we need to import multiple tilemaps consisting of different types of tiles for individual platform like grass, metal, bridge, stone...?)

    for eg:

    https://imgur.com/a/bePFZ7m suppose I have my default tile which has grass on top, on left & on right sides

    if I add another tile on it's right side then both the tiles should connect i.e. first tile should change automatically to other image which has grass only on top and left side, the second tile should only have grass on top and right side when the layout starts and update image of all tiles if it is surrounded by other tiles.

    how can we perform the following checks and update the tile image according to it?

    has tile on top, has tile on left, has tile on right, has tile on bottom.[/code:1yc7vupw] 
    [b]also how can we do following checks on sprite objects as we can do a lot more cool stuff with sprites and we have multiple animation frames for a sprite which makes changing the image much easier.[/b]
    [code:1yc7vupw]has sprite on top, has sprite on left, has sprite on right, has sprite on bottom.[/code:1yc7vupw] 
    Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
  • matriax, can you please upload your completed working capx

  • Colludium will start working on a project soon and implement the behaviour , yet to digest all the new features in Platform2, if something cool comes in mind will sure let you know

    also I guess you haven't updated the demo of platform2 on the store page with the latest version of behaviour.

  • Colludium I hope they do it asap. btw Platform2 is really great behaviour, thanks

    p.s. are you planning to add some more features to the behaviour?

  • Colludium when can we expect c3 port ?

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Member since 20 Jul, 2014

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