Drago_18's Forum Posts

  • using effects on multiple objects will slow down the performance

  • Hey, Thanks for playing it :)

  • The circles can be sprites, yes. What I mean is that big shapes (lines, rectangles etc.) are composed of these circles, and are not just single sprites with polka-dot pattern.

    Here is a quick demo:


    what I was saying is make sprites for every shape type that you want to include in game composed of polka dots and another sprite corresponding to shape type for making the led animation where second sprite will have certain dots change color, position, scale , etc.

    to make pattern similar to the one in your example, we can make additional sprites for animating it.

    collision checks are taxing on mobile devices, would like to know the tile method :D

    btw: do you know the solution to "software update needed... missing features: WebAssembly" :/?

  • just make sprite for as many shapes you want

  • i think of it as a single sprite for every color with small circles in it and a 2nd animation which will give a sense of led flickering.

  • got $$$??

  • Hi this is my first C3 game, have been developing it for past 7-8 months alone and today I've finished all the development work and released it on playstore.

    I'd be really helpful if you can give some feedback :D


    p.s. no sound added please forgive me ^_^!

  • in Construct 3 you have to replace icons from the icons folder of your project and make sure you rename your icons the way default icons are named else the icon won't be displayed when you install the game(you can change the suffix i.e the size value depending on your icon sizes as default C3 icons are different size, but the prefix should not be changed)

  • My game 100k+ with 10k rating https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cat.gunner


    I do have your game installed and it is really awesome.

    can you tell us about your earnings from ad rev 😃 and how you were able to get so many downloads?

    did you ran ad campaigns for your game or some other promotion?

  • dop2000 I'll send an email :)

  • dop2000 hey can you help me with my game. if you can then can we discuss about that on discord or something else?

  • Can't wait to get hands on Spriter 2 <3

  • did you tried exporting through mine project file? does it has the same issue?

    I don't think some extensions might cause any issue with the export. still try exporting with some other browser to see if there is any difference.

    construct team does provide support if you have any issues, just make sure you know more than basics of construct, so I'll be easy for you to understand what they want you to do, instead of just sending emails back n forth when you get confused , because you can solve most of the problems if you go through the manual and understand the engine.

    also as I saw your project file I didn't notice any specific thing which can cause such delay in loading time and the connection error. just try exporting in android cordova as "debug apk" instead of "signed apk" and do check the "hide status bar" if want to hide notification bar.

    if this still doesn't work if you allow then I would like to take a look at the system with TeamViewer.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • if you are using it in browser that means you have latest version.

  • seems like some export problem on your side.

    try to export the game as "debug apk" and see if there is any difference.

    if this doesn't work then download my project file and test it by exporting.

    also what version of construct 3 are you using?