Drago_18's Recent Forum Activity

  • dop2000

    Hi, I have top down enemies with bullet behavior randomly spawning outside the layout and different enemies have different bullet speed, enemies are spawned at random x,y location every random(0.5-2) seconds on top of layout.

    so does anybody knows how we can avoid enemies from overlapping by detecting if the last created enemy is within a certain area then the object being created will be positioned according to that or moved aside horizontally, also how can we adjust the speed of the enemy if there is an enemy in front within a certain distance on the fly or any other way to do it.

  • you could try to clamp the wallet value.

    in the actions set the following

    clamp(wallet, minimumvalue, maximumvalue)

    i.e. clamp(wallet,0,99999999)

    what this will do is stop the wallet from getting smaller than the min val defined and getting larger than max value defined, hope this helps you.

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  • this issue seems to happen on some devices as my "samsung galaxy j7" has similar issue, but on my friend's "redmi note 4" phone it scales properly, so to fix this I just press the multitasking window button then get back to the game which fixes the scaling issue. I have my scaling set to "scale inner", layout and viewport size set to "1080 x 1920".

  • lucid where's the download link?? I guess you forgot to add it.

  • add some dark borders so that it is easier to focus on things.

  • luckyrawatlucky create invisible draggable sprite and everytick set Image position to that sprite.

  • Thylacine I guess the issue is your android os, as minimum os requirement is 5.0 lollipop.

    app is working on my device Galaxy J7 -OS marshmallow

  • Ashley



    Goto Construct 3 Settings and select Preview with as "Popup Window" in under the label Preview .

    now I can use C3 without any problems .

    Cause Of Error


    Preview with "Dialog" option was selected.

    To reproduce the error:


    select "Dialog" option for preview under Construct settings.

    preview the game.

    close preview window and then close Construct.

  • Ashley every time I run C3 desktop version and keep it running for a few minutes and when I try to close the window I get the following error super irritated.

    also can't use C3 online, as every time I open the editor it keeps on showing the fkin update option. I'm tired of updating it on every visit. even if I restart the browser in a min or 2 or more than an hour then also it shows update option on all browsers. pain in the ass.

    please fix it

    Error report information
    Type: unhandled rejection
    Reason: Error: Cannot read property 'boundsKey_' of undefined @ TypeError: Cannot read property 'boundsKey_' of undefined at Bounds.get [as left] (extensions::app.window:55:40) at NWWindow.get (extensions::nw.Window:548:43)
    Stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'boundsKey_' of undefined at Bounds.get [as left] (extensions::app.window:55:40) at NWWindow.get (extensions::nw.Window:548:43)
    Construct 3 version: r101.2
    URL: https://editor.construct.net/r101-2/
    Date: Thu May 24 2018 18:29:41 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
    Uptime: 5648 s
    Platform information
    Browser: NW.js
    Browser version: 0.30.0
    Browser engine: Chromium
    Browser architecture: 64-bit
    Context: nwjs
    Operating system: Windows
    Operating system version: 10
    Operating system architecture: 64-bit
    Device type: desktop
    Device pixel ratio: 1
    Logical CPU cores: 4
    Approx. device memory: 8 GB
    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (@004e06da11e10bb08f6632224ae48ee3d5f7b303) NWjs/0.30.0 (like Chrome/66.0.3359.117)
    C3 release: r101.2 (beta)
    Language setting: en-US
    WebGL information
    Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium)
    Numeric version: 2
    Supports NPOT textures: yes
    Supports GPU profiling: no
    Vendor: Google Inc.
    Renderer: ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)
    Major performance caveat: no
    Maximum texture size: 16384
    Point size range: 1 to 1024
    Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, OES_texture_float_linear, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context[/code:11gyg30m]
  • ShinyBOI go through every link of construct 2 manual(by every link I mean the manual entries on left side) and you'll get over 1000rep easily

  • please post your capx as others will be able to help you more easily

  • R0J0hound

    that example is really awesome! with more images and other shapes we can make more cool fog effects.

Drago_18's avatar


Member since 20 Jul, 2014

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