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  • That's odd, the image in my original post vanished. Yes, I'm using system create, because I have to do it by name. (gotta have BadGuy1 spawn BadGuy1Projectile, and BadGuy2 spawn BadGuy2Projectile, and so on and so forth)

  • Do you mean 1 object total or per instance?

    Total. It seems as if "Trigger Once" looks at a Family as one big entity, so the first time the condition is met by any Family member, "Trigger Once" is satisfied.

    There seems to be a workaround using variables detailed in and

  • Hello,

    Consider the following:

    To save you the headache of deciphering those expressions the gist of it is:

    That's all fine and dandy. Without the "Trigger Once", an object is created every tick during that certain frame. That's too many. We just need 1 object. Sounds like the exact use case of Trigger Once While True, right?

    It works... until multiple CharacterAnimation family members are on that certain frame of that certain animation at the same time. Then, still only 1 object is created.

    Any ideas of how I can re-factor this event to calculate the Trigger Once for each instance? "For Each" just exacerbates the problem.

  • Hello,

    I have a sprite that uses

    as a way to make a scrolling liquid effect.

    Will this cause issues during a long play session where the image offset would eventually reach an extremely high value?


  • Sorting Player vs enemy, npc or other simple objects would be simpler. You’d just compare the y positions.

    This'll get interesting once I apply this technique to sort NPCs near complex objects such as these, or on very thin, long, tall diagonal walls, with characters on both sides. (I'm guessing "Z Order Sort" is the optimal sorting method, but in my experience it overrides all other sorting and layering data/actions)

    I'll necro this thread next week with my results.

  • Aha! I knew there was some solution involving multiple image points and somehow utilizing a line between them, but with my limited knowledge of both Construct 3 and geometry I wasn't sure how to articulate that into an Event.

    Hypothetically, more complex objects could be solved with more image points and more conditional math, right? I'm sure at that point breaking it up into multiple objects would be faster.

    Your solution is highly relevant to large simple diagonal stretches of walls/cliffs commonly found in isometric games. Thank you so much!

  • Hello, for reference, here's the classic 2 event isometric solution:

    This is great for any isometric game with objects' collision polygons that are as wide as they are tall, or at least symmetrical along their Y axis. The problem arises on oddly- or diagonally-shaped objects; when an object's Y value is less than the player's, but the player should still be in front of the object:

    The red dot is the location of the Image Point used for calculation.

    Is there any solution that does not involve cutting the object into separate pieces and having each one be a separate sprite?


  • Ah, I see.

    Just right click an empty space in the list of animations on the right hand side in the Animations Editor. Use the Import from Files option and it'll let you import multiple ZIP files, each as its own animation. (Provided you update to r252) You'll still need to put all the animations in the correct .ZIP archive, but you can automate that with Powershell or the command line interface of an archiving program, like 7-zip.

  • With the release of beta r252 (today!) Scirra updated the importing of animations.

    Wow, not even 24 hours after I made this post... Awesome!

  • i'Ve also run into this issue, what i've been doing is putting all the frames in the same animation and choose the frames with events to save time, but it runs pretty slow compâred to normal animations

    That's an interesting solution. You'd have to have a cheat sheet detailing which frames where the start and stop of each animation. It's probably awful performance-wise as Construct 3 probably keeps all the frames of an animation "ready" regardless of which ones you want to play, so instead of 3 40kb frames "cached" (maybe the wrong word here), it's 30 or 50 or 100 frames.

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  • I'm talking about multiple animations with 5 to 10 frames each, i.e. I've got a single enemy with 12 8-frame animations, and 8 directions for each, so 12x8x8, 768 frames. Pretty standard stuff for any isometric game that's not grid based. Seems like right-click then "add animation" is necessary for each animation regardless

  • Hello,

    Is there any way to mass import animations? I can parse out the frames to full sprite sheets, or individual images, or sprite strips, whichever is necessary. It seems like "Import Frames from Strip" at least lets you do all the frames for a single animation in one go, but that's as fast and as automated as you can currently get. ("Import Frames from Files" seems like it's exactly the same as the "Load Image from a file"/Ctrl+O option?)

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Laserwolve Games

Member since 17 Feb, 2021

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