Laserwolve Games's Forum Posts

  • Actually, I'm trying to do this for audio files which I can't figure out how to get with "Request URL" (can't use ../ to go up from the "Files" folder) but the following seems to be working (counting how many variations of an audio track exist, so I can play an random one)

  • "Request URL" works because that takes a string, unlike "Request project file". I can then compare the status code to see if it exists. However, this grabs the entire file; I just want to check if it exists. I tried "Set request header" with 'Header' as 'type' and 'Value' as 'HEAD', but it still fetched the entire file. Any ideas?


  • Hi all,

    I pushed an update to my game that only updated the .json of an event sheet. This still triggered the re-download of the entire project:

    Which I can confirm in my Netlify account usage insights:

    Is there any way we could compare a hash of existing files with new files, and only replace if they're different?

    If your browser game goes viral and you're using a service that charges for bandwidth, you'll be in hot water if you need to release a hotfix (entire player base has to redownload entire game)

  • I'm using ChromeDriver to run an exported NW.js executable, which looks like it'll only let me execute JavaScript in the DOM context.

    Is it possible to add a listener to the worker, which would listen for a string to be eval'd or used in a function() constructor, coming from the DOM?

    I see the PostToRuntime method in the DomHandler interface, will that work for something like this?

    My end goal is to make a method like


    which when executed in the DOM, would return 100.

  • Is there a way to change the JavaScript execution context of JavaScript that gets executed in a project?

    As of 5/7/2022, Microsoft Edge is also on version 113 and seems to be supporting WebGPU just fine in Construct 3 as well.

  • Ashley confirmed as much in the bug report. Bummer. I would've liked to see this feature available regardless.

  • I don't have the "Save to local browser" save option, in either Chrome or Edge. Any ideas?


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  • Hey Lucas, you can reach out to me at the contact info on my GitHub, or on Discord at Laserwolve#4879

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  • You're correct, but I'm hesitant as replacing sprites wholesale with WEBMs, while theoretically possible, isn't being done in any other engine or game as far as I'm aware. I'll give it shot but I'll be back to Construct again if it doesn't work. haha

  • I've seen a project with hundreds of webm videos.

    That's good to know, as I was worried about CPU usage with playing multiple WEBMs simultaneously. If you're at liberty to share any more details about that project, like who is making or it where I could find it, that'd be greatly appreciated.

    You can preload multiple videos in multiple instances of Video object

    That'd work in a normal Construct 3 project but DaggerQuest is anything but that.

    The player character is actually 16 different sprites: (body, head armor, chest armor, leg armor, boots, gloves, main hand, off hand, and shadows for each of those)

    and each sprite has 12 animations in 16 different directions:

    Ideally what's needed is something similar to the sprite's actions to load and unload images from memory. An action for the Video object to load or unload a project file.

  • So I've got an NPC that has an idle animation. Like any idle animation, she doesn't move much. Here's one frame:

    If I convert all the frames to a WEBM, it's 95% smaller!

    Google Drive link to WEBM.

    Has anyone tried to replace sprites in their project with the video object and use WEBMs? Does anyone know of a way to preload multiple videos into the video object, to use them like different animations for a sprite?
