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  • I need to set a 3D object's face object by name; the object that'll be used for its face isn't pre-determined, and also doesn't exist on layout start. Any ideas for a workaround?

    I basically need "Set face object (by name)"


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  • Quick and dirty solution. Thanks!

  • I'm dragging and dropping in a lot of animations. Is there any way I can make them all Loop without manually checking each one?

  • After some further digging, I tried the following two blocks:

    Pressing Q is all fine and dandy, setting the camera to the standard angle found in the orthographic projection example. Upon pressing E, the camera goes completely haywire, it almost looks like a distorted view parallel to the ground.

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to make a Diablo-esque camera configuration and struggling to get the camera at exactly 30 degrees.

    The first action sets the camera position somewhere arbitrary; doesn't matter too much in an isometric perspective.

    The second action is where the problem is:

    1. If I initialize a 3D camera without specifying its up vector, which way is it pointing?

    2. Upon which axes does the "Rotate Camera" action rotate the camera?


  • If you try to load that during runtime, it'll have a heart attack, vs. having it preload on startup.

    Interesting, I thought everything for all layouts was loaded during the loader layout, minus stuff that got created during runtime. Good to know, thanks for all the input.

  • Hi, my project has a sprite that has approximately 4 megabytes worth of images for its various animation frames. Four hundred 160x160 PNGs.

    Removing that sprite from a layout reduces the "estimated image memory" by 64 megabytes.

    1. Are there any optimization techniques to reduce the amount of RAM consumed?

    2. For a game that's intended to be played in a browser, what's a good maximum estimate peak memory usage?

    3. If I have a layout that requires more memory than is available, what would happen?

  • If you use inner scaling, you won't be able to fit every screen perfectly. It's literally in the name, it will scale (i.e. change size) to fit the screen. If your background is tiled and repeating however, you're in luck, because you shouldn't need to come up with a custom image for your background. Just slap that puppy into a Tiled Background.

    If you have stuff you need to always need to be in certain corners or positions of the screen, look into the Anchor behavior.

  • Hello,

    Is there a way to prevent the game from loading until certain checks are made? For example, I'd like to check that the user is on my website, before the game starts loading.

    Something along the lines of

  • Isometric games are pretty much just top down games, with a layering system and artwork created at that angle.

    It's always been possible, check out:

  • Wow, "frame changed" was exactly what I needed, I'm incredibly blind. Thanks!

  • I think "Trigger Once While True" is working as intended in this case. After all, it's called "Trigger Once While True", not "Trigger Once For Each Instance That's True"

    The first Family member that fulfills the condition, satisfies it.

    Logically, the solution would then seem to be some combination of "For Each" and "Trigger Once While True", however no arrangement of those two seems to work.

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Laserwolve Games

Member since 17 Feb, 2021

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