Kurjuus's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    I just discovered by accident that if you have more than one object with the ScrollTo behavior enabled, the camera will scroll to the point between all objects, and that's really really cool. For example, the camera object follows the player object with a lerp, and once an enemy gets close enough and is the current target of the player, I enable the enemy's ScrollTo behavior and the camera will move to the point between the two. And what's cooler, if I add a camera anchor" to the layout, the camera will follow the point between the 3, so the camera follows the action but never strays away from the area. My issue is that the camera snaps instantly to that point once those extra ScrollTo behaviors are enabled, instead of moving smoothly.

    Is there a way to smooth out that snapping while using multiple ScrollTo behaviors? Or do I have to ditch this approach and calculate the point between all objects myself?



  • Thank you, I managed to localize the infinite loop!

  • Hello,

    I recently learned about DevTools but I can't seem to figure out the errors so far. For example, these are some of the errors I've got:

    Do you have any tips that would help me find specifically what's triggering these errors, or at least a way to locate them in the event sheets?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Thanks, Nabu! That worked nicely. I had to do (loopindex+0.5) so they spawned symmetrically, otherwise it was one bit to the left.

    Thanks again for the super quick reply.

  • Hi there,

    I'm trying to distribute a row of sprites evenly like this image:

    I'm trying to keep the same distance between each item regardless of how many items there are, and it should be a symmetrical distribution in relation to point X, does that make sense?

    I've tried searching on the forum and Google but maybe it's because I can't get the right words to describe it that I didn't find how to do it (English is not my main language).

    Let me know if it's clear enough.


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  • oosyrag The helper worked perfectly, thanks so much!

  • Hi there,

    I'm trying to use the On object clicked condition with a 3D Shape but it only works when I click the back face. Is it possible to make that condition work with any of its faces?

    I'm trying to do this with the regular perspective, not the orthographic.

    Thank you.


  • Hi,

    The Remote Preview feature is now giving me the failed to connect to signalling server error.

    My internet connection works fine. I've also tried using my mobile data, same results. This started happening a bit less than an hour ago.

    Am I the only one? Could anyone confirm? :P


    Edit* Just started working now!

  • Yeah, adding a second light source may be impossible.

    Here is a completely different approach, based on the official template:


    Thanks for your response! I'm afraid that sample is a bit away from what I intend, but thank you anyways.

  • Hi there,

    I know this topic is popular but I'm doing a different kind of flashlight from what I've seen here and wanted to know if it's possible to achieve what I want.

    I've used a ShadowLight object + a mask to make a classic directional flashlight, but in my game, all background that is not touched by light is darker and greyed out, and enemies are not visible in the shadows. I've achieved that by making a copy of the tilemap and placing it in a different layer underneath, using the Destination Out blend mode for the ShadowLight object, and Destination In for the cone shaped mask. It worked out well until I tried to add another light source, it didn't go as I thought. I've tried to place another mask on top but it's not working (I've tried it in different layers and every blend mode), so I don't know if it's actually possible with this method.

    C3P file: dropbox.com/s/un72ab2eyln7xuv/flashlight_sample.c3p

    So my 2 questions are:

    1) is it possible? (I'm probably doing something wrong here)

    2) if it's not, do you think there's another workaround for my intended idea?

    Thank you!

  • Oooh thanks so much, that makes sense now.

  • Hello,

    I've been trying to create a number of objects in sequence and arrange their angles evenly within 360 degrees, but I'm having troubles when I use the wait loopindex*seconds.

    Here's the c3p dropbox.com/s/mdm4vubpruu8ijf/sample.c3p

    When you activate the action "Wait Loopindex*0.02 seconds", all lines end up in the same angle.

    Thanks in advance!

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