Kurjuus's Recent Forum Activity

  • That was so obvious I don't know how I missed it, thank you so much lionz

  • Hi C3 Community,

    I'm trying to play a specific animation by using this event where type is a string variable and level is an int variable

    But it's not working and I don't know what I'm missing. The object Table's animation I'm trying to play is called sword_1

    Here's the c3p


    Thanks in advance.

  • I redid your events in a group called simplified. Have a look here: 1drv.ms/u/s!AkmrWgxeuxlKhItm6Td4wPJp_rc_Kw

    There were a few things that were causing the issues. You needed to pick the key based on the UID stored in the array, not just compare it. You also were popping and pushing from the same end of the array meaning you weren't getting the first in first out behaviour you were after, and you had some unnecessary variables and events including your for each loop which was causing some issues.

    Ooh I see what I did wrong. I thought by using the bool condition the picking would be done automatically, and then if the element 0 of the array matched, then the actions could work. But the event you used is literally what I needed!

    Thanks for your help calminthenight.

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to create a system where you can grab a total of 3 keys and they'll create a queue in your back, following you anywhere. Once you touch a locked door, the first key you grabbed will be used and destroyed, and the rest will take the next place in the queue. I used an array to make this possible.

    Now, the problem comes with the order in which I grab the keys. If you coincidentally grab them by UID order, lower to higher, the system works perfectly fine, otherwise it will take 2 keys or even all the keys to open 1 single door.

    I've remade it in a new clean project and the issue keeps happening, here's the C3P


    Thanks for your help!

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  • Thanks for the replies everyone.

    I've tried with the new family and also removing the else condition but it didn't work. Both objects keep getting destroyed at the same time.

    Am I doing something wrong here?

    Thanks for all the help!

  • Hi there,

    I know this must have a simple solution so I've already searched through the forum but I haven't found anything that helped me, so I must be doing some silly mistake.

    When 2 objects of the same kind are overlapping and both collide with an explosion sprite, I want to destroy only one of those. I've chosen to pick the closest to the explosion but it's not working.

    I've also tried using "Pick top/bottom" without success.

    I'll appreciate any helpful hand.


  • Hi there,

    When creating a new object or adding a new behavior/effect, would it be possible to just type right away that what you're looking for instead of clicking on the search bar and then type? We can already do that when adding a new condition/action and I think it'd be a great QOL addition.


  • Hi there,

    I want to randomly spawn enemies in a specific kind of tile.

    In my case, it would be any X/Y coord that matches the tile nº 32.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you!

  • newtI discovered you can actually use both at the same time. It wasn't working for me because my tweens and stuff were using 'Every X Seconds' and 'Wait X Seconds'. So now I'm using the timer behavior instead and it works.

  • newt Hi, yes that's what I used for each object, but it's not working :(

  • Hi there,

    I'm trying to make a pause for my game but I'm struggling with making my menu animations to work while the game is paused.

    These are my events:

    I'm setting the global time scale to 0 and the objects I want to have their time scale untouched to 1, but it's not working this way. What am I doing wrong? That's the only event working with time scales.

    Thank you!

  • ooooooh didn't know that existed, thank you so much dop2000!

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