grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    Is it possible to capture and handle intents that are triggered on android by other applications?

    thank you,


  • Hello,

    I have an image and want to zoom it out upon request.

    I.e. when the use touches the image, it should resize to larger; and when the user touches the resized image, it should shrink again to its original size.

    Trouble is that having both touch event / resize action one after another in an event sheet, apparently leads to them both being executed one after the another in the same event loop.

    Is there a solution to that?

    First touch image -> blows up

    Second touch image -> shrinks

    and repeated ...



  • Hi,

    I'd like to create an animation of a car dashboard and possibly including a gear shift as well. Where with pressing (touching) parts of the dashboard it gets animated in some way.

    For example, a button to press for opening the trunk of the car, then visually indicates that the trunk is open now, a gear shift which can be put into a few states -- say, Gear 1, Gear 2, Automatic, Park and Neutral, via a touch or swipe in the right direction, using some kind of 2.5D visualization. A display which can present some messages.

    I'd like the animation to look nicely, i.e. some effort expended in the graphic design of it.

    Please let me know if this something you could do ..

    thank you,


  • are perhaps web-sockets a better way to deal with "call backs" -

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  • Thanks.

    I am confused.

    Although ajax uses events asynchronous to get the result of an ajax call; this seems however, "merely" C3's way to deal with return values from a Get/Post call.

    How would once set up a call from the server that would not be preceded by an ajax get/post call...

    hope i got this right,

    thank you,


  • Hello,

    I am curious. Is it possible to create webhooks for rest api callbacks in C3?

    I understand that call backs are essentially parameterized URLs that are called by a server, that essentially are the call backs.

    i hope i got this right



  • thank you.

    Its not clear to me how i could, for example, create a loop and identify each instance by IID and set, say, its frame, based on some on some predefined configuration.

  • Hello,

    I my layout i created a sprite called "star" and then copy and pasted it a few times, creating a number of stars. This is copy-and-paste, not clone, so the name of the sprite is shared across all.

    I want to selectively change the frame for each pasted "instance" -- treating them essentially as distinct objects.

    Can this be done?

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    I get this error from time to time, which then later on disappears and the gamefile loads ok (from dropboc cloud).

    Any idea how to overcome this

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    I paid someone to write a simple rest API for Google Sheets, that can be used with Google's Application Engine. The code is written in node.js.

    This essentially, allows reading and writing to a google sheet given a sheet ID and Range, via C2/C3 AJAX GET and POST.

    I want to make the code available as open source to the C2/C3 community and want to know what the best open source license would be, so that it encourages anyone who wants to improve and contribute the improvements back to the code base.

    The code should be usable for both private and commercial use.

    much appreciating your suggestions,


  • Hi,

    I am trying to use AJAX to call a web service app on google suite apps.

    Due to security reasons the google apps server returns the result of a GET using a different URL than the one used in the AJAX GET call.

    I am getting an error when trying to use GET.

    I am wondering if this is related and if yes, how this could be overcome -- i.e. to obtain a response from GET via a redirect URL

    thank you,


    Google's redirect notice is at the end of this link:


    For security reasons, content returned by the Content service isn't served from, but instead redirected to a one-time URL at This means that if you use the Content service to return data to another application, you must ensure that the HTTP client is configured to follow redirects. For example, in the cURL command line utility, add the flag -L. Check the documentation for your HTTP client for more information on how to enable this behavior.

  • Hello,

    I am looking to hire someone to build a plugin for Google's authentication scheme in C3.

    Apparently only with oAuth2 I can write to a google sheet from C3.

    Can you help me with that, how much would it cost?

    thank you,


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