grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Great thank you.

    Are there particular gamepads that i need to buy -- like makes or models that are known to work, say, in windows and ubuntu -- all in the browser -- or, any will essentially, do.



  • Hello,

    I'd like to try out a joystick to control a game character -- basically, moving around.

    I am assuming that a USB joystick would appear like a keyboard with keys pressed? Is this correct?

    Can one use two joy sticks and configure them somehow to use different sets of key for controlling two game characters in parallel.

    thank you,



  • Great. thank you.

    Will check it out


  • I couldn't replicate the problem -- i.e. a small example worked ...

    So, i looked deeper with the debugger and found that the problem is indeed elsehwere -- thank's for asking for more info.

  • I will try to replicate it in a project and post it -- perhaps, i will learn something by it as well.

  • Hello,

    One one event sheet i set a boolean instance variable to false, just to see that in another event sheet, the value stayed true.

    I looked at all assignments in the project and there is no where else, that value could have been set to true, beside in the initialization code.

    Interestingly, when i deactivate the whole group in which the instance variable is tested, then, the test doesn't apply and things work - but deactivating a group is too brute force.

    Could this be a bug in C3.

    thank you,



  • Hi,

    Its the other way around:

    I am thinking that if I can live with a fixed number of objects, that is not large, then each object can be a single instance of a dedicated type.


  • Thanks.

    Yes, that is what i've done.

    I am now wondering if i should work with different object types to begin with, and use families for common actions.

    Although, i guess, its not possible to create object types only object instances.

    So, this would only work if i have a fixed number of objects...


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  • Thanks,

    As far as I understand, this would not work. I need two types, each picking from the same set (type) of instances and accessing the same instance variable. Unfortunately, one can not share the same instance variable between a type and a family, hence i need to duplicate and replicate the instance variable and its value.

    Either between a type and a family or between two families ...

    As mentioned, I think, best would be to have an alias mechanism, if this is easy to include in the current pick paradigm -- its a solution "between" the others we discussed.


  • ok,

    looks like the idea of a parallel instance variable seems to work --

    So name a sprite type has a name instance variable and the family of that sprite type has an f_name instance variable-- which is inherited to the sprite type as well.

    I now ensure that both are the same by creating an on start of layout event where i for the sprite f_name to name.

    Like this name is now available in both family type and sprite type ...


    However, I think in the future a simpler solution should be available, for example, to simply add an alias for sprite type in picks and then refer to the alias in expressions -- an alias would have all properties available and be treated as if its a different type for picking.


  • Eager to try to move instance variables to the sprites.

    Also, how C3 deals with the same instance variable name on two different families having the same underlying sprite type. The underlying sprite woudl inherit the same instance variable name from two families -- hopefully, only one then available for both families.

    Edit: C3 only allows one instance variable name per all families for same underlying sprites.

    I guess the solution is to define two parallel ones and set them each.


  • Thanks,

    Yes, I tried families,

    Trouble is that once i refer to picks by family, i can't access the instance variables of the underlying sprites via the sprite family name.

    However, I need to access instance variables so i can do conditions across both sprite families.

    is there a solution for that?

    EDIT: to be more precise:

    The expression:


    does't work, when instance_var_name is defined in the underlying Sprite.

    However, now that i think of it, perhaps, i need to define instance variables on the families to begin with and not the underlying sprites -- in the documentation it states that sprites inherit instance variables -- so perhaps that's the way to go ...



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