That's great -- how, where ?
Does it mean that javascript game code isn't exposed anymore in clear text in the browser, but runs as WASM binary by default?
This is great.
Is WASM -- Web Assembly something that makes sense to you -- if yes, will it be on the road map?
Thank you for your reply.
I don't know how to contact you, so i hope you don't mind that i ask you through here:
Would you be open to develop oAuth2 functionality using your plugin for google suite, so that i could use AJAX to access google sheet API (and other google APIs that require oAuth2) authentication.
If, yes, how much would it cost.
thank you,
How do i add a client java script library to the code. For example, i want to add the google sheets java script library
btw, sometimes its useful to also have a condition that tests true for when the last loop item processes, or even also the one before the last one. This helps customize construction tasks such a creation of json strings, where for last elements one does not add commas anymore.
Could you add a condition that tests for when the loop has completed. I.e. its true *after* the last loop item has been processed.
This would be ideal to trigger post-loop action, such as selecting an element in a listbox, that was filled with the the loop
It would be great if there could be additional dictionary like functionality, to construct a json, which can then be obtained via a toJson method.
In my app, i need to update values in a google sheet. This means constructing an update json string as data for a ajax put call.
now, the only way to do it is to build the string using concats
ok let me try ... (and below is the link again in case it stays this time)
Was wondering if you got the link and were able to donwload it.
Thank you.
Yes, its basically the to array function applied to JsonManager and then the array is displayed as json.
I will put together a sample project.
Is there a way i can send it to you?
Here is an example when i use array.asJson:
I got it to work! (and noticed the loadstring in the example).
I got one problem left, though -- probably related to the json format google sheet returns:
It looks like this:
In trying to get the values into a dictionary or array, i am getting lots of brackets like: [[["str1"]]]
and when trying to loop over things its not clear to me what the query expression is after "values", to get at individual strings.
The objective is to get all of them into a listbox.
any thoughts are much appreciated.
"range": "Sheet1!A4:A7",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [ [ "str1" ],
[ "str2" ],
[ "str3" ]
Looks like i have trouble to get it to work. I downloaded the new sample, but couldn't see in it an example of loading from string.
Could you perhaps past some instructions here or create a sample dedicated for loading from string -- if possible.
Essentially, i create a new slot in the UI "s1", i then in the event action that follows the ajax on complete, i loaded into s1 the ajax.lastdata ... i then wanted to see in the debug window that the json manager includes the data, but its empty.
This is great!
I will try it out immediately :-)
I just managed to load the json by putting a hard-coded ajax call into the json managers file field. So this works great!
But, what i would need to to build up the ajax http string dynamically and then set the for the json manager and then do the call.
can this be done?
Member since 4 Feb, 2014