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  • Hi,

    has anyone successfully implemented oAuth protocol in C3, to, say, access a google suite app such as a spreadsheet.

    Some google apps support key based authentication, but i am running into problems for PUT requests. Other google apps, such as the Google SQL database requires oauth.



  • Thank you.

    In my case (with the way JsonManager looping works), there is a sub-event under the loop to test for conditions within the loop, and a parent event, that for the loop itself.

    Placing an empty event underneave the jsonManager loop doesn't seem possible, but i can place it as a "sibling" underleave the top parent.

    Will try this out once google sheets api comes online again -- for some reason, the google sheets api suddently stops responding to ajax calls, and after some wait (30 min? an hour?) it suddenly works again.

    anyway, thanks, will give it a try


  • Hello,

    I have a for loop that via a sub event / actions fills a listbox with values. During the filling, the listbox does not trigger any changed selection event.

    I want to select the first item in the listbox after the for loop completes and all values are filled in, so that the selection triggers additional processing in filling in items in the UI -- for depending items.

    I cant figure out how to add an action after a loop completed -- since the loop is within a subevent. and there is no way to add actions after the subevent at the level of the parent event.

    any thoughts how this could be done are much appreciated,

    thank you,


  • Hi,


    That is the approach I did as well. Just yours is much cleaner -- to use loop index (instead of a local variable) in the subevent to identify the column.


    thank you,


  • I solved it in a somewhat cumbersome way:

    Since the loop apparently goes through all values in the table "breadth first" -- across each row, i added two subevents with condition 0 and 1, respectively. i then have a counter that "flip flops" between 0 and 1 (by adding one to a counter and then taking modulu 2).

    Like this each subevent "knows" what column it handles.

    But, i think its is pretty cumbersome and better if there is a simple way to access each column in a received row -- via a simple expression.

    can this be done

  • Hi,

    Could i ask you how the loop would be changed if i am downloading a table rather than a column only. Something like below.

    Now, i would want to show Str1 to Str4 in the listbox, while storing in a dictionary Str1 ... Str4 as keys with the numbers "1" to "4" as the values ...

    (i.e. a mapping from the strings to their respective identifiers

    I tried to add the accessor [0] of [1], such as: trim(JsonManager.GetJsonValue("","[1]","Yes")), to access the strings, when building the listbox, but this didn't work.

    thank you!



    "range": "Sheet1!A4:B7",

    "majorDimension": "ROWS",

    "values": [ [ "1", "Str1" ],

    [ "2", "Str2" ],

    [ "3", "Str3" ],

    [ "4", "Str4" ]



  • thank you!

    this is very educational example, how to use the constructs together.

  • Hi,

    Below is a sample that doesnt seem to parse correctly.

    if you can look at it,

    thank you,


  • Hello,

    I am trying to use google sheets as backend for storing data.

    Has anyone successfully implemented the oAuth authentication process in C3

    thank you,


  • Hi

    Thank you.

    As mentioned in the plugin comments -- its a great plugin indeed, but for my purposes it would need to support reading in json from a string rather than a file only. If you could add this functionality that would be great.

    (or, alternatively, or in addition, to have the plugin submit a user provided ajax call, that expects a json string in return, which is then used to populated the json manager)


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  • Hello

    I am using an ajax call to access google sheets, to retrieve a range of values (e.g. sheet1!A1:A3)

    The reply format is in json such as follows.

    I want to insert value1 ... value3 into a listbox, but have difficulties accessing the items in the values array.

    How is this done in C2 or C3 ?

    thank you,



    "range": "sheet1!A1:A3",

    "majorDimension": "ROWS",

    "values": [ [ "value1" ],

    [ "value2" ],

    [ "value3" ],



  • Good point ...

    I wouldn't know, since i haven't developed C2 nor C3 plugins.

    But, whoever would do some porting will likely quickly notice to what extent plugins could be automatically ported.


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