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  • So what other reasons are there for a fixed framerate? Perhaps there are some, but I don't see "achieving perfect smoothness" as one of them.

    Collision checking changes considerably at a rate higher than 60fps. This has already made me face situations where the character makes a "higher" jump in a very specific situation, which depended on the collision check with an object.

    Despite that, at the moment I'm experiencing big problems in the physics behavior where the maximum FPS limit would be of great help. The framerate independent mode changes the strength of the object according to the processing, while the fixed mode, despite its equal path, changes its speed. Object speed can get very fast at high framerates.

  • Complicated idea... but very creative haha

    In a two-player situation, if both players alt+tab at the same time, the room would be closed. XD

  • In addition, disabling Pause on unfocus in the preview doesn't work either.

  • Hmm, I haven't dabbled with multiplayer in a while but I faintly remember that that's not supposed to happen actually. If a player is set as host specifically it should keep the game running regardless. Maybe I remember that wrong though...

    This works in a weird way. The host keeps receiving some events (messages I believe), but it keeps the object synchronized in its position.

    Anyway, as a better example just use Photon and nothing else works. The game is completely paused.

    Even without considering multiplayer, some games that have "action wait" can make the player want to press alt+tab to do something else. It is very unpleasant not being able to disable this option.

  • Just try putting a screenshot of the broken code.

  • I tried installing a TURN server on a cheap host for testing once, but the instability was huge! I currently use with no problems.

    I also have NAT restrictions, but for testing your own game it doesn't affect you. It won't work in separate tabs, you need to open the secondary player in an anonymous tab or open it in another browser =)

  • This request has already been made several times, with no response. I recently found an old topic that has an interesting comment on it, so I'm reopening the application.

    The reason is that pauseOnBlur makes it impossible to create any real time multiplayer P2P game in Construct.

    To understand why, just open the engine's own multiplayer examples and press alt+tab as the host. The second player will lose movement. Even if the objects are not synchronized, the player stops running events that would be important in a Real Time game.

    Is it possible to somehow prevent the game from pausing when it's out of focus?


  • Great job!! mayhamurasaki

    I have also been working with the native multiplayer plug in quite a lot. To fix the private/public room, I just made the 'instance name' private or public.

    - Game name: Fun_Game_v2

    - Instance name: Private

    - Room name: BobsGame

    Do you have any issues with the Scirra server? Ie; Does it run consistently or does it slow down?

    Do you use mostly sync options, message options, or an equal balance of both?

    How do you deal with players that have very poor internet?

    Thanks! sofaking

    There's a private/public room option on plugin as I remember. The problem is to lock the room AFTER the room is created.

    Do you have any issues with the Scirra server? Ie; Does it run consistently or does it slow down?

    R: No, the scirra server it's only for sync players IP.

    Do you use mostly sync options, message options, or an equal balance of both?

    R: In fact I used only messages :P

    How do you deal with players that have very poor internet?

    R: Well, that's their problem XD If the player's conection is bad, he can't play any games online.

    Also, the multiplayer operation is P2P, if the host has the best connection, everyone wins!

  • Congratulations for the release. Looks great. Also try for mobile platform

    BTW how did you made the trailer video? I need tips regarding the same

    Thank you! Yes I made. I used DaVinci Resolve for video edition, and the music was made by Rodolfo Bairros. I strongly recommend!

  • I would like to introduce you to Quin, a game I published on Steam in June since this year!

    It is a simple Crazy Eights game that can be played with up to 6 other players, or bots.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I used Construct's native plugin to do this while learning the entire process of building an online game. Although the code was "complex" due to my inexperience with online games, the game is very fluid, and I received several praise from players compared to UNO, from Ubisoft.

    I was wary of programming it in Construct as I had never seen any published multiplayer games made on the engine. But after understanding all the pros and cons, I was very happy with the result.

    Something that bothered me a lot was how little control I can have in the rooms created with the plugin. Unfortunately, there's no way to create public rooms, at least in the way I've programmed. A simple action that would let me "lock" a room already open to other players would solve this problem (something Photon has), so I leave the suggestion to the Scirra team.

    Ah, it's on sale today on Steam! So if you want to test it, now is the time! All support is welcome.

    Steam Link:

    If you just like to watch, I can recommend the Stumpt playlist!

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  • Is there any way I can check ANY native plugin code in Construct?

  • Is there any way I can check the native multiplayer plugin code?

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