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  • Took a few additional condition but this did the trick. Thank you :)


    google play store | itch.io page

    Hi :)

    Since long & cold winter nights are here, why not get together with your friends and play a few minigames? Couch Party – farm edition was just released! It includes 7 minigames that can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players on one device (Android).

    We wanted to say there is sadly no single player, but then, that’s the point. Crowd around one device like we used to back in the day… when everything was just a little bit nicer.

    We would really appreciate it if you gave it a go and let us know what you think by leaving a review on the Play Store. We aren’t asking for 5-star reviews, please be honest and help us make our game better :)


    You can get it here: play.google.com/store/apps/details

    The minigames include lawn mowing, veggie grab, veggie pong, apple picking, mower race, tomato growin’ and battle bugs.

    Party mode is also included, which is just a fancy way of saying tournament.


    If this collection gets some traction you can expect a lot more mini games, less bugs, better graphics & sound and overall a better experience. If not, well, I guess we’ll have to make some silly idle game or match-3 or something.


    Ozz & Cookie – blood, sweat, tears / code, design, graphics

    Pikica – being the fluffiest cat ever

    Scirra – for coming up with Construct, because who wants to learn actual programming :D

  • Hello,

    I am not using default controls with the TileMovement behavior. The simulate control up, down, left and right are great but I would need the sprite to move based on it's current direction - meaning forward.

    Is there something along the lines TileMovement can move 1 cell forward?


  • Hi

    C3 version works great so far but I'm having problems with Compare moving angle. No matter what values I enter it doesn't seem to have any effect and when I run the layout with debug there are no parameters for Moving angle - angle isn't even listed.

    Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with the Compare moving angle condition?

  • Wonderful, thank you :)

  • Any new development regarding this? I would love to be able to embed a video as well.

  • Thanks for replying,

    In that image it says that if I select T ads for G, PG and T will be shown, only Mature ads will be blocked. So I guess I also have to use another setting , app rating, set that to 13+ to make sure only T ads are shown.

    Basically nonsense. If my game is for everybody, then Google should filter ads based on users' phone info, meaning not show mature ads if they know game is being played by a kid ( and they do know most of the time ) It is their responsibility not mine because I actually do make games that can be played by anybody from 7 to 107 years of age and I want to show whatever ads are available to older people and whatever there is for kids.

    I am literally not targeting any age group ( and I am using literally literally, not figuratively )

    Thank you!

    I was ranting about the same thing just a few days ago. Google knows (at least aprox.) who is using the app and they should show ads accordingly - especially if you are using AdMob which is their own product.

    It would be great if they added ad content filter to the mediaton options so you could set up mediation groups accordingly but I don't see it happening any time soon.

    As for the additional settings that Nepeo mentioned something along these lines would be great:

    - on first app launch user needs to input their date (or just year) of birth.

    - user's age is calculated and then max_ad_content_rating is set accordingly to P, G, T ...

    I know users can lie about their age but that is their decision and developers aren't liable for that.

    Hopefully that makes sense :)

  • Hi everyone

    I'm making a 2-4 player minigame collection (7 games + tournament) and need help with testing. The app isn't finished and polished yet - there are no sounds, I don't have an icon yet, loading screen is default construct loader. But all games should be working properly. Should is the key word here - so I'm looking for anyone willing to test the app and send me some feedback.

    If you are interested please send me your email address (the one you use in google play store) so I can add you to the testers list and send you the link to the app.

    Thank you!

    ** Edit:

    I forgot PMs aren't available any more, my bad. So if you are interested in testing please contact me at gameljne.gamesiaq@gmail.com

  • Hi

    Google Play costs about 20€ to become a developer, Apple store is about 90€ (I think, it was around 90 last year).

    For Google Play you need to export your project for Android Studio. Then unzip the exported files. Launch Android Studio as administrator and open the project (files you just unzipped). Fix any errors - for most things Android Studio will tell you how to fix. Right click on app, go to Module settings, select app, go to Default config tab, enter Version Code and Version name (for example Version Code is 1, Version name is 1.1). Go to Build, select Build variant, select Release. Go to Build, select Generate Signed Bundle or APK. Select Android app Bundle, follow the steps, enter your key information. Wait for the build to finish and the locate the file.

    In google Play console, if this is your first app, click on any of the "create new app" buttons. Upload the file Android Studio has created and enter all the information. You need to fill out all questionnaire, upload screen shots etc. before you can start any testing. Once you've done everything wait for the app to be published (takes about 2-3 days) then go back to the test you have started when you uploaded your app (for example, internal testing) and you will get the link to share to your testers.

    I hope this is what you wanted to know :)

  • Did you select only 12 ad providers? Go to Admob, on the left menu go to Blocking controls. On the top sliding menu go all the way to the right to EU User Consent and Scroll down to "Custom set of ad technology providers". Click Select Providers and pick a few, no more than 12.

    In your code in the Create action set "show" to FALSE, not true.

    Create another event for testing. Create new Text object and add event:

    -> MobileAdvert: On interstitial failed to load --> TextObject: Set text to MobileAdvert.ErrorMessage

    You can do the same thing with On configuration failed to see if that is the problem.

    Export for android and then test on a few different devices. I have the same app normally showing test ads on 2 devices but not on the 3rd one - no idea why.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • This is just a small part of a larger project which I'm not allowed to share.

    So instead of looking for a way to "disable" a layer that isn't visible I added events to destroy all objects that are not on the active (visible) layer. Probably not the best solution but it seems to do the trick :)

  • This isn't working either. there are multiple instances of both objects on both layers and now only one (the top one) is doing something - instead of all instances of the B object that are on layer 1 :(

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Member since 21 Nov, 2018

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