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  • Hi

    I have an app that utilizes Google Play leaderboards. The problem is no scores are shown and when I check the console, game services it says that no scores were submitted - the leaderboard is empty.

    In Construct the On score submit success does trigger so that part seems to be working, but still no scores.

    I checked and made sure my profile on Google Play is public. I tried submitting from 3 different profiles. I tried changing from public to private in the Request hi-scores action in Construct. I tried disabling tamper protection in Google Play and removing decimals. The leaderboards are published but the app itself is on alpha track. All 3 profiles from which I tried are on the app tester list and have also been manually added to the leaderbords testing.

    Does anyone have any ideas why the leaderboards are still empty?

    Thank you


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  • Thank you for your help :)

  • Hi

    I successfully used solid collision filter together with 8 direction movement, but as soon as I remove 8 direction and add physics behavior, to solid collision filter doesn't seem to work any more - it doesn't exclude as it did with 8 direction. Does physics behavior ignore the tags part of the solid behavior? Or just the filtering part? Anyone have any experience with this kind of things?

    The idea is to have 3 different cars (yellow, red and blue) with physics and solid behavior and the yellow car is suppose to ignore collisions with the red one. As said, no problems with 8 direction behavior but it doesn't seem doable with physics.

    Thank you

  • Hi

    Thank you, glad you liked it :) We're working on a single player version as well.

    And thank you for the links :)

  • Hi

    I tried this and it just suspends and app it doesn't completely close it. Is there a way to stop an app from running and close it completely?

  • ok, getting the hang of it now :) thank you plinkie

  • Plinkie I tried, but I can't get the expression to pick the one instance with 1. Family doesn't have instance variable, only the objects in the family have it.

    Sizcoz thank you for your example but it has only 1 sprite object and then instances of the same object. I have 5 sprite objects (meaning Sprite1, Sprite2, Sprite3, Sprite4, Sprite5) and then several instances of each of these...

  • I tried with families but then all instances of a sprite got the moving variable set to 1, instead of just one instance of one sprite...

    5 events it is apparently :) thank you

  • Another idea

    Since your player is already rotating, you could try Move forward action. It doesn't require any extra behaviors. The condition would be Every tick (or as often as you want it) and the action Move forward 10 pixels (or as many as you want). Move forward uses current object angle and if you want to use a different angle, use the Move forward at an angle action.

  • Hi

    I have a project with 5 sprite objects. Each has an instance variable called "moving" for which the default value is 0. During game play several instances of each of these 5 sprites are created. One and only one of them will have instance variable "moving" set to 1. How do I find and pick that single instance? Is there a way to check all of them in a single event or do I have to do it sprite by sprite and thus have at least 5 events (because of 5 sprites)?

    Thank you

  • Hey avensis19, thank you very much for checking out our game :) It's hard to get started in this flood of apps.

    The animations are a bit sparse for now. We had more ready to go, but it seems like we need to figure out some Construct3 performance issues on Android.

  • Hi

    I have some experience with moving sprite with touch and it was mostly a pain because I'm too used to mouse and keyboard.

    Anyways in my experience 8 directional is not good. Just use simple MoveTo behavior and set it like this:

    -> Touch - is in touch: Player MoveTo Touch.X, Touch.Y

    Change the MoveTo settings to make it go faster/slower.

    And use ScrollTo like winkr7 said so that your player is always centered. Scroll to doesn't move any objects or backgrounds, it works like a camera movement.

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