Spela's Forum Posts

  • Thank you, will give it a go - I asume it's System For loop and then System Compare two values :)

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  • I'm sorry, but I don't see the Array For each XY option:

    am I missing something?

  • Wouldn't that condition be true even if "chocolate" is not at (0,0) but is at (0,7)?

  • Hi,

    I have an array with a bunch of strings and need to search inside those strings. For example, array.at(0,0) has value "I love chocolate chip cookies". How do I find out if the word "chocolate" is in that string?

    I tried array compare at XY but I think that is for exact matches only...

    Thank you :)


  • Yes, yes! That is it! Thank you Ashley :)

    P.s: I checked the examples again because I did search for table and didn't get any results and just now I saw the Recommended filter was on. Sorry about that... thank you again

  • I've been searching for a while now, but I can't figure out how to display values from a 2D array in a table. The table can be a text object or html object (or even something else), I just need it to look like a table.

    I can't get the conditions and actions working together.

    If I use Array for each XY element -> append text (or insert into html) Array.curX, Array.curY, I get same values over and over again.

    If I use Array for each X element, I only get the first row and the rest are missing.

    I tried using system For from 0 to array.height-1 -> append text, value at array(loopindex) but that gives me just the first value. Using array.at(0,loopindex) returns the entire row but just the first row, instead of all 5.

    What do I need to do to display the data from my array?


  • I'm sorry for such a late reply but I was so happy with your solution I got utterly distracted.

    Thank you, you are a life saver :)

    Now, all I have to do is set up something like excel’s vlookup function and life will be sunshine and daisies again :)

  • Thank you for you capx but I can't access it; I tried from different computers (on different networks) and I always get Error (400); something went wrong

  • Hello,

    I've been struggling to combine 2 arrays into one without messing up all of the data.

    Both arrays have 2 columns. First column contains IDs and the second one contains prices. I need a third array with all of the IDs (some are the same in array 1 and 2) and prices from both arrays, each in its own column - so array 3 has 3 columns.

    I've been trying with For each loops in different ways but I always end up with either just 1 value (the loop doesn't run correctly) or I'm just overwriting array 1 with array 2 instead of combining them.

    Any help would be much appreciated!


  • The certificate is probably in a form of text string, so you can simply store it in Local Storage. There are plenty of examples and tutorials.

    The certificate is a .p12 file. I went through many tutorial about Local Storage but I still don't see how to turn the certificate in something that I would be able to store. I'm missing something but I don't understand what it is.

    But to sign any data you will need a script or addon. As far as I know, the official plugin doesn't support PKI cryptography, so you will need some third party solution.

    Can anyone recommend a good solution?

  • I've been searching documentation, tutorials and forum but still can't find how to do this. If anyone has any idea, please shine some light my way :)

    I need to store a CA issued certificate for each app user. If possible it would store to local storage and an SQL DB for a backup. This would be a one time event for each user.

    Then I need the private key of that cert to sign user created data. This would be done whenever new data is created.

    I haven't the foggiest how to do this with C3.

  • Anyone? :(

  • Hello,

    I tried to enable access for C3 preview mode for google play services. Following the manual (https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/google-play) I created new credentials and scrolled my way to Authorised JavaScript origins where the manual says I should add the preview URI, preview.construct.net/local.html

    But I get an error:

    Invalid origin: URIs must not contain a path or end with '/'.

    I tried different variations of above url and the result is always the same.

    Can someone please help me? I have no idea what I'm missing here. Surely there has to be a way to test google play services (or at least some of it) before building and uploading apk to play store.

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  • eleanorjmorel It worked, thank you again :)

    I have a couple unrelated C3 questions, is there a way I could contact you? Perhaps on discord? Thanks!