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  • Hello,

    I tried to enable access for C3 preview mode for google play services. Following the manual (https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/google-play) I created new credentials and scrolled my way to Authorised JavaScript origins where the manual says I should add the preview URI, preview.construct.net/local.html

    But I get an error:

    Invalid origin: URIs must not contain a path or end with '/'.

    I tried different variations of above url and the result is always the same.

    Can someone please help me? I have no idea what I'm missing here. Surely there has to be a way to test google play services (or at least some of it) before building and uploading apk to play store.

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  • eleanorjmorel It worked, thank you again :)

    I have a couple unrelated C3 questions, is there a way I could contact you? Perhaps on discord? Thanks!

  • Hello Spela !

    My name is Eleanor and I'm pretty good at using construct 3,

    If you want to do that, make your function have a return value and create a local variable,

    and then in your action so "add to variable: functions.function(...args)"

    and you will get the result that you want.

    Best wishes,


    OK, local variables it is, thank you! I'm afraid javascript is a bit beyond me :)

    Unfortunately, to use a function expression as a part of a condition, it can't be set to type None. It was possible in C2, but not anymore.

  • Thank you but I don't think you are correct. According to the manual:

    By default, functions have a return type of None, meaning they don't return any value. This also means they are used as actions. However if you set a return type of Number, String or Any, the function returns a value. This also means it is used as an expression instead, so it won't appear as an action.

    You can't use the same function in actions and as an expression. That is why is asked for help :/

  • It can't be the same because you can't use functions expressions for a function that you call. You either set it up so you can call it or you set it up so you can use it with expression. As far as I can tell...

    The problem in the posted pictures is function "CheckMatchesX" - in event 19 it is called as an action and then in event 25 it's used in condition as an expression for X coordinate of object Block.

  • Hi

    I found a nice Match 3 tutorial that uses Functions. It was written for C2 but I figured it should be applicable to C3. Aaaand I got stuck when it came to functions... I have to admit I haven't used functions in C3 much so I have no idea how to get this done.

    If anyone would be willing, can you show me how this would look in C3:

    Huge thank you!


  • thank you! hope you had fun playing :)

  • I think I'm missing something because it's creating objects like crazy. There should only be 2 new objects but looking at debug they keep getting created without stopping.

    Here are the events:


  • Hi

    I'm trying to create a graph but I got stuck with getting values from the array...

    How do I get all values for a single row (for example Y = 1) that are not 0? Meaning if value at X = 5 and Y = 1 is 0, I don't need it.

    Then I need to create a new object (sprite) for each of those values (that isn't 0) and set its width to be the same as the value.

    I tried a few For each XY element and For each 'x' from 0 to array.width combination but I didn't get anywhere.

    All help is much appreciated!

  • Anyone? I'm really stuck with this one :(

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  • Hello,

    I can't get my app to list (or unlock) any of the achievements set in Google Play Game services. The app is linked, the achievements are public and everything seems to be in order in the Google Play console. But when the list or metadata for achievements are called, all I get is "Cannot read property 'page' of null"

    Here is the event sheet for the achievements part. Has anyone seen this error before? Searching google play development help didn't help.

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Member since 21 Nov, 2018

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