DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Very cool. Glad to see it alive - and very very well

    Unity3d Working well for you - obviously.


    Feel the urge to buy some knives with a complimentary potato peeler after watching just a little.

    Not just any potato peeler either. Use it in your garage to sharpen nails, cut logs, shave planks. It is so versatile you can even use it to pick your teeth.

    Act now, because... .... ... ...

  • Construct 2 can definitely handle breathe of fire type game... however as Kyatric says it will be "can you?"

    There are better software's that can make rpg type games - they are designed solely for that task.

    But C2 can create a vast amount of game types, it depends on the persons ability to use the software... and that takes considerable time to master anything.

  • What Zenox98 said, best to email the lads directly.

    My thoughts is they launched the new shop, and it might be a temp bug, I'm sure a email will put Tom onto it and it will be sorted in no time.

  • What littlestain said.

    or and tread carefully

    You can also use

    set id to door.iid


    [quote:15wmlg1c]All objects at runtime have an index ID assigned, which is the number of the instance within its own object type. It is returned by the object's IID expression

    So you create 4 doors the iid is 4.

    So if you creating it at runtime, then this is a great way to add 1 on each new instance.

    Click on door

    Set door.open to 1

    It will set that instance door.open to 1.

  • roteam - its URL:Mal

    It happens often

    I deal with malicious scripts/virus/ etc on my sites from time to time. Pain. I actually have them scanned weekly for issues.

  • roteam: Your website is infected with something nasty! suggest you sort it out.

  • Thanks for your advice. But at the moment would you mind helping on this please.

    I think what silverforce is saying is get your hands dirty... so many folks come here asking others to make their games. Roll up your sleeves and do the flappy bird template, learn it, apply it, and bring back your non working trial and errors and we can guide you.

    Doing it for you, and 2 years from now you will still be asking for capx. Learn the software, there is more to your game than swinging etc... and you will have to build it all.

    edit; I see someone offered to make it for you. But you want to make it yourself. This is great. But you will need to learn the basics. Suggest you go through each of the templates is construct2 - open C2 | New | go down that whole list. Those examples/templates cover everything you need - all the code is there to build any game.

    Its a template cruncher software. It's not worth $2,675, but then again neither was the courses game academy created.

    It looks flashy and will make a handful of people some money, but in the long run, it is a waste of time. C2 is capable of so much, but people find it limited. Then this is going to hit the ceiling the minute you try to create a unique (non template cookie type game).

    Trey is seriously smoking something, but he is a superb marketer, and will make money from this like all his other junk.

    Target audience would be rich daddy's whose kid wants to make it as a game developer - and this is the miracle software that is going to do it for him/her.

    Check out all the writing software (Hemmingway wrote with a pencil and paper) and you can program a game in notepad.

    Wait a month and the software will be cracked because it deserves to be cracked.

    These launches know it will be pirated that is why they do this limited launch, make the money quick and put it to bed.

    [quote:3h8tvpx2]Hey Guys,

    We've never had this happened and always prepare for these events, but tonight we crashed the complete Game Academy server when we released.

    SO SORRY to everyone that was on. I know it was frustrating. We prepared, but apparently not enough.

    To make up for it, we're going to give the two bonuses (the big 3D art pack and the Imagebox software) to EVERYONE who orders before 5:00PM PST tomorrow.

    You can order it now here:

    Lol, get this on each of his launches. Straight from Product Launch Formula - ha ha ha ha

  • Answered here

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    I like to use a default scale multiplier which I apply to my objects.

    global constant variable scale_multiplier = 0.04

    each object has a instance variable called size

    When created

    Set scale: scale_multiplier*object.size

  • +1 for a search and replace

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