As anyone who was aware during the Flappy craze, lots of clones became massive hits themselves.
I was over 1 month late with my clone because I thought it was lame to clone games.. (it is), but if it taught me anything, money >>> lameness when you are trying to survive as a solo indie dev.
My very late Flappy clone earnt me enough to buy a Macbook Air & devices to port my games over to iOS.
Swing Copters has received massive coverage from all the gaming news sites and even normal news site or tv shows have mentioned it. Get in early and take advantage of the search hits and free publicity for your other games too and hope your small investment of time manage to pay your way to making that dream game you always wanted to make.
Here's mine: Jetpack Monkey Swing ... packmonkey
Took me ~5 hours start to finish. C2 is extremely FAST for making simple games (or any other 2D game)!