spacedoubt's Forum Posts

  • I've never done it zipped. try just dragging the whole project folder in.

  • Could you set the angle based on the viewport?

    angle(0, viewporttop, 0, viewportbottom) or something?

  • I don't think it's particularly useful for anything.. I think it's mostly just there to help weed out spam (low reputation can't post urls and such)

  • Doesn't this solve most of that?

    "Being browser-based, the UI style can be modified using CSS. We're keen to add a custom theming system to allow anyone to edit the appearance!"

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    They have a ClickTeam spy working with them, there is no other explanation.

    Subscriptions? Running in a browser? No native exports? Fusion 3 just around the corner?

    Well that, someone from ClickTeam has infiltrated the offices of Scirra.


    In that case, I rescind my former comment that this is not a marketing campaign... In fact, it's a brilliant marketing campaign! I just had it wrong who the marketing was for..

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    > I don't understand this strategy at all.


    Its called a campaign. The same strategy movie/tv/game companies use. Release multiple teaser trailers, then different cut full trailers before a the content launches. Its all about generating hype and exposure over time via press, social media etc.

    You really think this is similar to that?

    first of all, movie/tv/game companies are selling us entertainment. stuff that looks cool when you only see it in pieces. not tools that you need to know how they work to know if you even want to use them.

    second of all, when movie/tv/game companies do it, does it usually result in ******* off their market to this (or any) extent?

    No. because like you said "Its all about generating hype and exposure over time via press, social media etc."

    What's the opposite of hype? Because that's what's being generated here...

    I know what a marketing campaign is. and this isn't it.

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    I don't understand this strategy at all. Current C2 users are all waiting to see an actual new feature. The features listed so far are fine, but they're all things that have essentially no effect on current users. We're already working without all of these things, because we don't need them. Meanwhile, as impatient humans who like stability and to know what software we're going to be working with in the future, we're feeling disappointed and looking into other game makers.

    and for any new user looking to find a new game engine to try out, they're going to be comparing features to other engines, and since hardly anything is listed, they will immediately move on (especially when they take a look at the $*#&storm that is the forums)

    Ever seen an advertisement on tv? notice how long they last? there's a reason for that...

    There are those infomercials that last an hour... Ever watched one? or bought the product?

    If it were me. I'd drop a C3 bomb... Once and done. After that, (if it's as awesome as it should be) the community will sell it for you!

    So I ask:

    Who is the slow trickle of info helping?

    Scirra's competitors is the only answer I can come up with...

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    Well, to throw my hat in the ring:

    Personally (and I'd bet there's lots like me), I always have it in the back of my mind to leave C2 for another game engine. There are obviously a lot of problems inherent to C2 especially when trying to make a larger/ambitious project, which I am. The only reason I have never gotten around to switching to another engine is I've put 2 1/2 years into learning C2 and I have a decent chunk of my game finished. I hate the idea of starting that process all over, to the point that I have been in denial for a very long time about whether or not the game I want to make is actually possible in C2. It probably isn't, but most likely, we'll never find out, because the announcements + screenshots that basically show C2 in a browser was just the push I needed to move on. but not necessarily because I saw it as "bad news". It's more about what this says to us about Scirra's plans for the future. I'll be more specific:

    ( Tom or whoever's in charge here)

    It seems a lot like Scirra got the money bug. It seems like getting new users became more important than keeping current users happy, to the point, that getting new users became more important than even keeping current users.

    Now I'm not claiming that as fact. I'm just saying what it seems like.

    And from a business standpoint, there's plenty reason to do that. I get it.

    But the reason we all like C2 so much is the community. The reason C2 has done as well as it has is the community. In fact, I'd venture to say that we sell your product MUCH better than you do (most (all?) of the developers whose games are advertised on the front page have moved on to other engines!) So when you even seem to alienate that community. It's a pretty big deal.. and in the end, maybe not the best thing from a business standpoint.

  • I should clarify.. just cause it's draw calls doesn't always mean it's not your code's fault.. if your code is causing too many draw calls, obviously.. but in your case, I'm pretty sure it's not your code.. it might be a graphics driver thing.

    Sometimes people add something like [SOLVED] to the post title, but most people just don't.. plus, it's not bad to leave it open.. maybe somebody who can provide some more help will come along..

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It pretty much runs at 60fps the whole time for me. I did see one strange 'jank' and the fps dropped to 50, but only for about a second. I don't see anything in your code that should be a problem.

    Try this: run it in debug, click the 'profile' tab. wait for the fps drop to happen. when it does, see what's using the most %. if it's draw calls, you'll know it's not your code's fault.

  • I didn't mean to come off like such a jerk. haha. I think I'm still upset about the C3 debacle.. sorry about that.. let me try again:

    Welcome to the forum!

    The link just goes to a page that says "invalid or deleted file". Did you delete the file?

  • i see the new "construct 3" more like a service or online tool that will improve development rather than a new engine.

    Yeah, but you're seeing it that way based on almost no information...

    Not 1 actual feature has even been announced yet.. I'd say you're jumping to conclusions..

    (but why wouldn't you? they haven't told us anything!)

  • How do you expect anyone to help you with this much information?

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    "We have an awesome new product! Stay tuned for announcements!"




    "Announcement day is coming soon!"

    Announcement: "It uses a pricing model everyone hates! and depends on browsers! Come back later and I'll tell you more if you're still interested!"

  • I shoulda said 'canvas', not 'window'

    system > set canvas size

    system > snapshot canvas

    Don't forget you'll also need to scrollto whichever part of the canvas you're trying to get a screenshot of.