DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • floor(random(0,10))&choose("+","-","*","etc")&floor(random(0,10))

    foor is whole numbers

    random is 0 to 10

    choose is select either of the given options

    Better to store each in variable

    number1 = floor(random(0,10))

    formula = choose....

    number2 = floor(......

    Then calculate as integar to give answer.... can't calculate text

  • Full Editor > Below the submit button is tabs

    [Options] [Upload attachment]

    Use the upload attachment.

  • Layers & the layout editor as a whole need some work. Starting to piss me off how every single request the past year has been completely ignored.

    I presume every single one of 'your' requests as I have seen a number of big requests being rolled out over the last year.

  • Having not done that tutorial and you not providing a capx, it is hard to guess at best approach.

    1 option:

    Create Variable Level1, level2, level3 etc

    On start of layout level1 set Level1 to 1. On start of layout level2 set level2 to 1 etc

    Now you have a check on your map you can disable buttons or make sprites no clickable by putting in condition that level1 = 0

    I see it uses some variables locationnumber and latestknownlocation and checks that player is greater than or equal

    Just create a new event checking that player locationnumber is less than players location make invisible or whatever

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  • You are spamming the board with same posts that is why it got deleted. And here is another one you created.

    RPG are the hardest game to make and will take you months and months.

    There is no such thing as a small example.

    A RPG like any other game has lots of components, and you will have to build each of them.

    Look at duckfacenija's list, and start there.

  • >

    > > it just says 270mb but on my task maneger it is ALOT ALOT more it is in gbs like for real it takes ALL my memory

    > >

    > The fact you are using the free version says you didn't abide by the laws of performance. Your project shouldn't go bigger than 250mb, and that is on pretty big game. My guess is you have some pretty big images (lots of pixels) which might be 1mb compressed, but images decompress in memory which means even 15 very big images will bring most computers to a standstill.


    > Ashley has writen lots with regards to images/performance and tips etc.


    indeed i have a very big game.... i want to make a complete game...diffrent levels, level select, main menue , tutorial........

    and also i am still considered a beginner thus i am not very good at compresssing my games to the limit! but i'll try to do that

    And with C2 you can make very very big games

    I see you said it is not in preview... I've seen this issue before on the forums. What OS you using?

    I can't rememeber what was behind - something about loading assets and how the OS did it. I can't remember if it was XP, Vista or both.... or windows 8.

    I would image the issue would be on a xp/vista.

    I can't remember where I saw it.

    If it is recent, then drop a bug report, I'm sure ashley will enlighten you.

  • Lol, there is a lot of controversy here. Check the forums - And bottom line the blame can be pointed at ludei. Don't expect updates... ashley tried continuously, he has done everything in his power... but in the end I agree that his time is better spent on crosswalk.

  • it just says 270mb but on my task maneger it is ALOT ALOT more it is in gbs like for real it takes ALL my memory

    The fact you are using the free version says you didn't abide by the laws of performance. Your project shouldn't go bigger than 250mb, and that is on pretty big game. My guess is you have some pretty big images (lots of pixels) which might be 1mb compressed, but images decompress in memory which means even 15 very big images will bring most computers to a standstill.

    Ashley has writen lots with regards to images/performance and tips etc.

  • Thanks for the feedback.

    In addition if you run into scenarios where this tool could have saved you more time if it had feature X let me know.

    Once the new version is done and in the store I will make a video showing the tool being used.

    I am shooting for this weekend to have the new version out.

    I will make a formal review after seeing the new version in a few days and/or once I've done something constructive with C2 Data Editor.

    But first impression is very good so far.

    The capx functions are brilliant. Haven't seen the extent of its brilliance yet, but very cool.

    The software itself and the reason I "bite the bullet", is because you can make extremely complicated arrays (data within data).

    And the "Search and Replace" --- You are the man!

    Anyways, very impressed so far. Its simple, and if it does what I am hoping it can, then I will be very happy.

    I brought it via another account I have on scirra: "grizzly" don't know if that show's up your end.

    Anyways, look forward to new release over weekend.

  • Yip, it's not about price, its about a right fit at that price point.

    More info is needed to make a decision. Or some constructive reviews. Pity store only opened yesterday...

    but once store gets traction, more purchases, more reviews, and info etc, then making decisions will become easier.

    Bit the bullet and purchased. Will review it for others.

  • is there some other way of keeping this simple and in one event?

    1 Event - lol, lets try...

    Create a Variable CheckSandwich = 0

    Now Set CheckSandwich = Variable1>0 & Variable2>0 & Variable3>0?1:0

    This returns 1 if var1 and var2 and var3 > 0 and returns 0 unless all are greater than 1

    Now you can

    If CheckSandwich >0 do your burn here

    Here are some native expressions.

    & is and

    | is or


    edit: example added

  • A good place is in the tutorial section.

    The easiest way and less headaches is to use crosswalk.

    The tutorial is easy to follow and I've used it a number times with little issues.

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