JayH's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi,

    I've been playing with the WebGL Transition. I wanted to revise the Transition so that it is pixellated to begin with and then gradually reduce the pixallation down until the image is clear.

    But I was worried that it wouldn't work consistently across devices, as it is I'm getting varying speeds with or without Delta time when I run it in different browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Edge and NWjS. I'm not that familiar how to add delta time in Construct 2, so any help with this would be appreciated thanks.



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  • Hi,

    This is probably a big question, but it's a little hard to find the latest information. I'm currently making games with the intention of exporting them to Android and then onto IOS and Windows Stores.

    There appears to be lots of old information scattered around the Scirra Forums and Scirra Tutorials, what is the preferred methods in May 2018 for Construct 2 for exporting to the above?

    Are there any good tutorials/videos on the subject you can recommend?


  • Hi,

    I've had this odd behavior with Construct 2 for as long as I can remember, I've lived with it, it may be a bug, but I'm just worried that there is something that isn't right. If I end up exporting my game, will it have the same issues? I don't think it's worth sending a bug report, as I've been using Construct 2 for over a year and if it was a problem for others, then it would have been fixed by now, or instead it may have been reported, but no one in development is focused on Construct 2 bugs anymore, like with other ongoing interface bugs - I say this kindly of course.

    I generally use Firefox, quite often I attempt to run a game, other than the progress bar flashing across the screen briefly, nothing happens. No browser opens, no game, no test.

    Other times the browser will open, but nothing happens. Sometimes the game loads, but the sprite player moves erratically for a few seconds, even though the sprites have no input at this stage.

    I've tried Chrome too, which oddly displayed the short countdown test I'd created and played back faster than it was set. Then on second run it was at it's normal speed.

    I'd say I get my games to run 75% of the time without these issues. Has anyone else had this?

    I'm going to try NWJS today to see how things go with that.

    Edit: I've just tried NWJS and this has the same issues, so it's either Windows 10 or Construct 2 I think. Only on the 3rd attempt did my test project work correctly.

  • Well unless someone changed it for me, it's fixed itself. So any of you guys that don't see a change, it can obviously take over 24 hours.

  • Hi,

    I've changed my Gravatar, but oddly it's not changing in the Scirra Forum, however, it is showing in my Profile, what gives?

    I thought it may be something to do with an issue today with Gravatar's website, as I couldn't add an email, although this hasn't been an issue before. But as I said, my profile in this forum has the new image.

  • Within Construct 2s Example folder, there is a example capx that demos a pixellated transition, from background image to pixellated:

    "WebGL shader 'pixellate' transition"

    Is it possible to do this in reverse? i.e. gradually go from pixellated to a clear image?

    I'm probably expecting too much of Construct 2, but it would be cool.

  • Problem Description

    Animation Frames Window Right-Click Options Partially Greyed Out Options

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    When trying to set Animation Frames, the Right-Click Menu has these options Greyed Out :

    Add Frames, Duplicate Frames, Reverse Frames

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      1) Import/Open Sprite into Image Edit Window 2) Try to Set Animation Frames by Right-Clicking in the Animation Frames Window

    Observed Result

    Text in the menu is Greyed Out

    Expected Result

    The Text not to be Greyed out and be Black or Dark

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 64bit, Latest MS Updates as of 13/05/2018

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Problem Description

    Setting up Animations for sprites using the Animation Window, when you Right-Click to bring up the Options, all Options are greyed out. But oddly they are still selectable - through me to begin with.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    This is just the beginning of a tutorial for a 2D Pixel Platform game, nothing elaborate.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      1) Click Layout Screen and Select Sprite From Window Objects 2) Import/Open a Sprite Sheet .png 3) Click the Animations Window to attempt to edit. 4) Right-Click to open Options Menu 5) All Text is Greyed out, but still selectable.

    Observed Result

    Animations Window Right-Click Menu Greyed Out

    Expected Result

    Right Click Menu text to be dark/black, not Greyed Out

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10, 64Bit Latest MS Updates of 13/05/2018 (Not relevant)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 258

  • I was on the right track, I knew it was going to be simple.

    I have a Global Variable 'Beat_Timer'

    I trigger the Event with 'Every X Seconds' (using Beat_Timer)

    Then in the Event I just added the beat sound effect 1

    Wait Beat_Timer

    I added another Event for the beat sound effect 2

    Using System I subtracted a small amount from Beat_Timer

    That was it! The problem I had originally was that I had used another Wait after the last sound effect thus putting it all out of sync.

    Anyway, thanks.

  • Thanks, no not exactly what I was looking for.

    The best similar example to explain would be to say Atari Asteriods beat. That's exactly what I'm looking for.

    Broken down in my head...

    Timer_vairable = amount of seconds

    Trigger started by Timer_vairable for Event that plays two different sounds each seperate by Timer_vairable

    Reduce Timer_vairable by an amount

    But what kind of trigger can start an Event and also be used like a Wait to place between two playing sounds?

    There has to be something obvious I'm missing.

  • Hi,

    This is a bit of a head scratcher (for me at least), it appeared simple at first, but then I became steadily stumped!

    A beating heart sound, two sound samples played apart, but gradually playing slight faster over a few minutes - the samples stay the same length, just the time between them needs changing and the trigger.

    But the issue is that the Event has to be in sync at the same time, decreasing with the spacing of the heart beat samples, otherwise, you get the two beats close together, but the Event ends up too slow or fast starting them playing the next time around. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong, and there's an obvious way and I'm not thinking logically.


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  • Hi,

    I've no problem setting up an XBOX 360 Controller, but I bought some USB Snes type controllers the other day hoping to use them in Construct 2 for a bit of a retro feel, but I've ran into a hitch. I can't seem to get the D-Pad to work correctly. I can get some directions working, but others seem to have a mind of their own. Maybe I'm implementing them wrong.

    I know the pads are working ok, they both output the correct values in Windows 10 Controller Config - the hat of the D-Pad moves as it should etc. there's also very little info in the Construct 2 manual on alternate gamepads.

    Any ideas guys?


    After some further testing it seems that the Left and Right (Y Axis) is detected, <-1 for Left and >1 for Right. The Up and Down (X Axis) doesn't appear to change when used. I tested the controller until I found a number where nothing happened when the controller was centered, this odd number was 329. But testing higher or lower doesn't seem to be detected, leading me to assume that Construct 2 doesn't detect the X Axis of the Gamepad sadly.

    Guess I'll have to return them, as they aren't going to be much use.

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Member since 8 May, 2017

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