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  • Hi Laurence,

    Thanks for your reply. I'm still a little unclear on the fade-out part. I don't have any issue with the Fade-in, just out.

    Any chance of a screenshot of your Event Sheet please?

    The Fade-out is being triggered for both death (and reload Layout), and to finish the level too as you mentioned.

    Thanks, Jay.

  • Hi,

    I trying to fade a game from black to clear using a sprite to cover the layout. There is a behavior to use on a sprite "Fade", which works well for fading-in, but there doesn't appear to be an option for it to reverse and fade-out sadly.

    I came across this tutorial on YouTube:

    Which uses a Function to change the sprites opacity. Again it works well at allowing a fade-in transition, but trying to reverse it the way it is suggested in the tutorial doesn't work. I'm probably missing something daft, but I'm not sure what it is.

    Obviously the fade-out is setting the opacity of the sprite that is covering the layout to gradually become more transparent, but I obviously don't get the method that is used in the tutorial very well.

    One other issue, least it may be is whether I should "Destroy" the sprite when it's not in use to save resources. It is large as it covers the entire level, but maybe because it is essentially invisible it doesn't matter? but I'm not sure how Construct 2 works in this area. I know how to destroy an object, but I'm not sure how to "re-enable" it when I require it - is it possible?

    Thanks, Jay.

  • Thanks for that help, a person of few words, but the suggestion works!

    For anyone else, the use of "On Jump" is used to play the audio effect instead - not sure why my other method didn't work, but at least this fixes the issue.

    Here's a screenshot:



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  • Hi,

    I guess this is a "How do I"?, either that, or it's a bug in Construct 2 ...

    I'm making a platform game (whehey!). I'm using my own controls to create the movement. For jumping I have two conditions, one is for checking to see if the player is grounded "Is on Floor", and another that checks if "Key is Down" - logical you may assume. Especially when you only want to jump and play a jumping sound effect once.


    This method works perfectly for the "Solid" Behavior as a platform etc. But when I add a "Jump Through" Behavior this method does not appear to work. 98% of the time The player can't jump when on top of the platform. Oddly as you move around the "Jump Through" platform occasionally something is released and the character jumps again, until you move left or right, then it sticks once more.

    What's happening, is there another method? Changing the keyboard condition to if "Key is Pressed" doesn't help either just in case anyone suggests it.

    It seems so simple, am I missing something?

    Cheers, Jay.

  • Thanks Laurence,

    Totally different approach to the tutorial, but it's now available in the Events to use - seems weird that it's not in the Events tab by default and that you have to add it in the Layout first. This should be added to the Construct 2 Manual.

    I doubt I would have figured it out myself without help.

    Regards, Jay.

  • Hi,

    I've just purchased Constructs 2 and I'm beginning to go through some online tutorials.

    One I've been going through is "How to make a Pixel Platformer":

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I'm now on Video #7, but I'm asked to add a "Function", but when I attempt to "Add an Event" and select "Function", the Icon for "Function" isn't there in the Events as suggested in the tutorial.

    From what I read online, some changes have been made to how this behaves in the last few years, but as I'm not much a of a programmer and haven't used Construct 2 before - I don't have a clue what to do instead. I'm familiar with what a function is, but how do you add one?

    Thanks a lot,


    The Construct Manual doesn't explain how to add a Function, it just talks about their uses.

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