Thanks mate, that�s absolutely what I was looking for, but as I see, this is way to much math for me I guess. :(
Here is a screenshot of my project, to show you what this would be needed for.
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31/1795997_586456251437217_241452094_o.jpg" border="0" />
I know you don�t have much time developing all that great stuff, but may you take some to help me get that stuff ingame? I�m absolutely willing to pay you something (even more than 10$ - that�s from when I thought it was way easier)
Hope to hear from you and thanks again a thousand times for all the great stuff you do for us!
Greets from Germany,