celstrider's Recent Forum Activity

  • could you share your capx?

  • every 1 sec

    ball overlapping sprite --> add 1 to instance variable

    else --> set instance variable to 0

    instance >= 2 --> destroy ball

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • A condition is like asking the computer if some scenario exists.

    for example: does 1 = 1? ; is a character moving?; is the character not moving?

    An event is telling the computer to monitor the program to see if a condition or set of conditions are true. If the condition is true an action or series of actions will occur.

    for example: is the character moving? and is the character's energy gauge full? if both are true do this action: set attack strength to 9001.

    If you want the computer to check is something else is true right after an event you can use a subevent.

    for example:

    is the character moving? and is the character's energy gauge full? if both are true do this action: set attack strength to 9001

    subevent: on spacebar pressed do this action: attack

    there are situations where you can use either multiple conditions or subevents to achieve the same effect.

  • All the popular hosting providers are popular because they are good. Just go with whatever seems popular. Host gator, blue host ect

  • you can still use lists to achieve that.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/rg1bubyekalew ... .capx?dl=0

  • create admob account

    click monetize new app

    search for your app if you have already published the app otherwise add it manually.

    fill out the form as prompted

    at some point you will see an ad unit id which looks like: ca-app-pub-12345678998764/132165498

    each id will correspond to the specific ad you make, you can have multiple ads in a project.

    interstitial ads are full screen ads.

    in construct 2:

    add an admob plugin

    copy/paste the 'ad unit id' to the appropriate spot in the properties panel.

    control when they appear using the event sheets

    you need to preload the ads before calling on the system to play(show) the ad. think of preloading like cocking a gun before firing.

    leave test mode on 'true' to get a dummy ad that will act like the real one, switch to 'false' when you are ready to publish.

    I normally leave overlap on 'yes' i have had weird issues when it's on 'no.'

  • I don't think it's possible in c2 because it runs in a browser window.

  • the simplest way is to use lists, but it may not scale well.

    make a sprite, add an animation for each noun, rename the animations to the noun, add the adjectives to the frames in a consistent order.

    add a noun-list and an adjective-list.

    noun-list on selection changed --> sprite set animation to noun-list.selected text

    adjective-list on selection changed --> sprite set frame to adjective-list.selectedindex

  • Chrome doesn't allow fullscreen, I heard it was a security thing. The nw.js browser does allow full screen so you can use that to test full screen mode.

  • I'm trying to do the same thing but with video files, so I'm commenting in part to follow the post.

    The method that seems most promising to me so far is using the cordova file system plugin, I'll be trying them out this out over the weekend.

    I can let you know if it works for me.

    https://www.scirra.com/store/construct2 ... ugins-1662

  • I really like c2/c3 but it's designed for games and uses html. I would like to build native mobile apps (for android mostly).

    Does anyone know of a good visual app builder similar to c2 in terms of ability to customize the programs?

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Member since 19 Dec, 2016

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