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  • there's a capx over in this thread that uses a different method of blending to make a content window that might be worth looking at.

  • i dont really know how effects work, I just played around with them until it did what I wanted.

    "destination over" will work for both text objects and the sprites.

    but im not sure how to change the background to anything other than black.

    it would probably be better to do this:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/2h42346b9dy1p ... .capx?dl=0

  • this is an example menu I made awhile back that may help you out.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/59wxqhttszs9t ... .capx?dl=0

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    if I purchase a year subscription and then happen to win the game jam you would be able to add the free year prize onto my subscription?

  • hey guys, for the game jam this past week I put together a platformer game. To make the levels I used a tilesheet then added a new layout for each level. which worked out fine because it's a relatively small game, but if I expand the the game to say 100 levels then I would be using a 100 layouts and I'm not sure if that is the most efficient way to set up the game. I was thinking it would be better use of space if I make 1 layout but then upload different tilemap arrangements, however then I would also have to save the size, position, and other properties of all the game assets into a reference file so they change each level. but then I think that work be a challenge to edit later on.

    What's the best way to manage a lot of different level arrangements?

  • [quote:10qcmun8] by DaniellMesquito » Tue May 30, 2017 5:40 pm

    Please, can you share screenshots?

    Sure Thing

  • I suppose you could make an instance variable that increase while the up button is down. Change the gravity when the number is high enough. Then reset that value on key release.

  • The platform behavior has a gravity setting. I would probably just do

    on up press, is falling: change animation to glide, set gravity to some lower value.

    On landed: set gavity to normal

  • Hey guys check out my c3entry!

    it's classic platformer type game. You play as a lab experiment that has gotten loose and is running around the lab. Since you happen to be a bit radioactive the lab tech have sent in robots to "contain" the situation. Good luck!


  • my game is pretty much done, but I was kinda counting on those last few hours to tie up the loose ends and export.

    any chance you could extend the jam till tomorrow evening?

    ps: thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting into this.

    Update: Thanks!

  • my bad, the "set variable1 to 0" needs to go after the "animation walking is playing" event

    the combo stuff is kinda tricky, because everything has to go in a specific order.

    here's an example:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/80nzc8pu24z88 ... .capx?dl=0

  • there is an event called "on animation finished"

    so let's say you are using spacebar as your attack button

    it would look something like:

    on spacebar pressed


    animation attack1 is playing >> add 1 to variable1

    animation walking is playing >> set animation attack1

    on animation attack1 finished

    and variable1 is greater than 0 >> set animation attack2, set variable1 to 0

    on animation attack2 finished >> set animation walking

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