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  • yeah c2 gives you alot more flexibility on what you can build than those other game makers. I've been using it for a couple years now, and really enjoy it.

    I even used it at my job to build a customer kiosk a few months ago.

    Anyway I'm pretty sure that your game should work now so i'm clocking out for the night.

    Welcome to C2.

  • idk why the computer is glitching like that, but the problem is the collision poly. on the first frame.

    do this: double click the runner to bring up the sprite editor, click the collision poly option, right click to get the drop down menu, select "set to bounding box"

    then for good measure right click for the drop down menu again and select apply to whole animation.

  • in event 6


    block set size to width: 100 + random(400)


    block set size to width: 96 + (round(random(400)/32)*32)

  • jump requires you to be touching the ground. when the origin changed by a pixel as your sprite ran through the animation so your runner was lifted off the ground.

    because the blocks are 32x32, you gotta make the random width divisible by 32.


  • the origins were a bit off so I set all of them to 0,0 and it stopped jumping forward. I'll bet the sprite is lifting off the ground when the origins shift.

  • frame 0 of your runner has a different collision box then the rest

  • Add the pin behavior to the shadow sprite.

  • I don't know. I just blew the dust off my old windows vista and gave it a try. It didn't work at first but after updating firefox it also works. I don't have a win 7 so I can't check that system.

    You could look through you're mouse settings and see if there's anything that maybe interfering. I think some of the windows themes affect the mouse properties too so you could try switching to the basic theme if you aren't already using it. Check if you have any ff plugins that could affect the cursor. Other than that I'm out of ideas.

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  • works for me. I'm on win 10. and the latest stable ff browser.

    try updating your FF browser

    "Note: cursor: none; is not supported until Firefox 3, Safari 5, and Chrome 5. Not at all supported in IE or Opera. "


  • "So if i understand it correctly i need to use the animation of a single sprite and add frames for each sprite i want to spawn dynamically? So if i want to create i.e. sprite having ID 5 i need to spawn that generic sprite and switch to frame 5? So that could be a solution but would also prevent that those sprites can be animated, right? And also maintaining those sprites would get really nasty. Imagine hundreds of sprites and now you need to add, remove or update some of them."

    yes, that's correct and it can get messy for larger programs. (be sure to set animation speed to 0)

    yes, you can have different animation in a single sprite. if you double click on the sprite to open the sprite editor you will see an animation named default right click to add more animations. you can also use different sprites but if it isn't necessary then extra sprites just clutter things up.

    the 2nd method is just a way to make it work without using arrays.

    As for the 3rd example I'm just saying you can stick the animation's name into your array and then call it with the .at() method. The count value wouldn't affect the sprite in any way. in plain speak im saying to the pc, "switch the sprite's animation to the value at this spot in the array."

    maybe array.at(itemType's x value, itemType's y value + 2) makes more sense?

    the 3rd method is probably the best way to set up larger games.

  • add a new condition

    if you right click on the events you will see an "invert" option.

    on object 1 tapped

    is not overlaping object 2 >>>> action

    else >>>>> action

    on object 2 tapped

    is not overlaping object 1 >>>> action

  • Prep: make sprite fill with frames where index corresponds to type-id

    sprite set frame to itemType


    Prep: add list populate where animation names match list items, and list index corresponds to type-id

    list set selection itemType

    sprite set animation list.selectedText


    "itemType": 1

    "count": 5

    "animationName": "bananas"

    sprite set animation/frame to array.at(x,y) (will be a bit different than this depend how you choose to set up your array)

    you're question is kind broad there are probably dozens of ways to manipulating sprites like this.

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Member since 19 Dec, 2016

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