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  • you can use the : sprite : "load image from url" during the runtime. but I don't know if it's possible to save the new png's. you would probably have to save them to some external cloud storage then grab them with the load from url.

    it would be way way way way easier to just add a character sprites into the game and then let your users cycle through a fixed set of options that correspond to numbers saved in an array.

  • go to your event sheet, right click as if adding a variable, you will see "include event sheet"

    create a new event sheet(do not create another layout), put all duplicated events in a the new event sheet then add it to the event sheets specific to the level.

    delete the redundant events in the level specific sheets.

  • yes it's possible.

    if the touches come so close together the screen reads it as a single touch, then it might mess up a bit.

    you could probably use the drag and drop behavior

    something like

    on any touch start

    item1 and item 2 is in touch >>> enable drag and drop

    on any touch end

    sprite is in correct position >>> disable drag and drop, give points or whatever

    else >>> disable drag and drop, return to original positioning

    (just paraphrasing the last bit)


  • For some reason most of the games in the arcade won't load, they just give me a red progress bar and stay on the loading page.

    It has to be an issue with my LAN, because it will work if I am using a different wifi connection.

    it seems like only the really basic games work. for example "red tie runner" doesn't work but "18 second challenge plus" will run fine.

    these are the errors i'm getting in the console.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

    Application Cache Error event: Resource fetch failed (403)

    "An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can remove its sandboxing."

    anyone know what's wrong?

  • something like this some work.

    system = create object box on layout 0 at (16,17), set instance variable = 1

    system = create object box on layout 0 at (box+32,17), set instance variable = 2

    system = create object box on layout 0 at (box+32,17), set instance variable = 3

    on start of layout(or whatever) >>> set global variable to floor(random(1,4))

    then system pick by comparison to select the block that has the same instance variable as the random global.

  • Gary

    are you able to import other file types or just php?

  • I tried that, but it doesn't do anything.

    I read something about ajax blocking cross domain requests, so im guessing that's at least part of the problem. Are there any cloud services that allow cross domain request or to I need to buy my own hosting and domain name?

  • something like this should work:

    value is less than a million and equal to or greater than 1000 >>> set text: round(Variable1/100)/10&"K"

    off hand i'm not sure how to switch between k, m, b, ect without another event for each.

  • I would like to make a table outside of game that can be used as a reference for my game at run time, this way I can just edit the external file and elements of my game will change without the users having to download a new update.

    I also don't want the user to be prompted to download a file.

    I've played around with backendless, firebase, and tried a few other things, but seems like not very many people are doing this so there aren't any good instructions out there.

    even just importing a normal txt file is fine although a csv would be preferable.

  • you can use the turret behavior

  • it would look something like this. this will make you descend at 2x the normal rate.

    on spacebar pressed

    subevent: player is on floor >>> normal attack animation

    else >>> set vector y to player.platform.maxfallspeed*2, set animation to "falling swing"

    on landed

    is playing "falling swing" >>> set animation "smash"

    note: gravity should be set to half of maxfallspeed for this example, and jump strength should be adjusted for the gravity.

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  • I could probably help you out.

    I've got a few c2 videos on my channel already. which you can watch here, if you like how I explain things you can pm me with video requests.

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