PudgyPlatypus's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey everyone!

    My day to day struggle in C2 is always always always resolution and positioning things on the screen.

    I'm trying to optimize my Pixel Golf game to work for iOS devices (and Android), so I set up my game to be 960 X 640 (it's a landscape game). I'm using the Scale Outer setting which works pretty well except for the obvious screens like the iphone 6, + and newer iPads. It's the obvious you can see more of the right side of the layout and some more at the bottom, which I expect.

    The problem lies in the fact that my game is a golfing game with simple levels but it ends up changing the dynamic of the hole if the right side of the level is showing more which means maybe the level can be a bit easier than not seeing all of it. So then I thought fine I will just make the level drop off right where I know the 960X640 screen would show, but then it just makes all the levels look silly with the right side always just ending before the end of the screen.

    My question really is, any suggestions? Do I try and keep those settings but try and get my tilemap of the level centered on larger resolutions which would at least make the hole look more symmetrical with both sides dropping off? Do I try and figure out a good way of some sort of zooming for larger resolutions?

    Thanks for your time!

  • rho thanks, these kind of responses are important since I have been working on the game so long everything seems so obvious to the developer.

    It actually does mean Miles Per Hour, the mechanic is really the ship goes faster and faster the longer you survive so you are just trying to get to the fastest speed possible before crashing. So laps don't really matter but following the path is obviously the safest way to go.

    As for the graphics I know what ya mean, unfortunately I'm not a great artist and don't have time to do both programming and art. But it is also kind of nice to see some Tyrian graphics again which is a classic

  • That's a good question Somebody, I was worried about it at first but based on where I got it from (http://www.lostgarden.com/2007/04/free- ... s-and.html), they seem to be free for any use. I actually recall seeing another game on the App Store a couple days ago with some of them.

    GenkiGenga Thanks! Yea at first I was going with the whole "get this amount of points before you go to next level" and then decided to just go with choosing levels. So the next level button coming up is sort of a remnant of that but I might as well show 'Get Over 600 mph to move to next level" or something.

  • Ha! That's amazing, I will try that! I fell asleep a lot in my Trigonometry class...

  • Hey everyone!

    I'm getting ready to finish up my game Perpetual Vessel and put it on the App Store and I thought it might be good to get some people to test it a bit on GameJolt.

    http://gamejolt.com/games/arcade/perpet ... sel/45103/

    Gameplay is pretty much like the game called No Brakes, you are in a spaceship that continuously goes faster and faster and you are just trying not to crash. Only have 5 levels right now but on the mobile version it works very well with the Game Center leaderboards and has an iAP for some ship customization.

    Since it was made for mobile I don't have any info in game how to play without touch but all you need to know is you can use the keyboard "A" to turn left and "D" to turn right.

    Let me know what ya think and remember some things won't work since they are mapped to Game Center related stuff.

    Also I set up a simple website with Squarespace for the rest of my games or in progress games you can see.


  • Ok I have been trying to figure this out myself but been stumbling over it too long and wanted some real math people to help me here.

    I have the X,Y of my initial Touch, with my touch I pull back in any direction (think like Angry birds) which I then have the angle of my initial touch and my current touching point.

    What I need is to be able to get the X,Y of a point the opposite angle I am pulling but only a certain amount of pixels. So essentially, where I am pulling back there should be a dot on the opposite side of the circle but only 30 px from the center point (not the distance of my current touch to the center, just a set amount). So I can just drag around and there should be a dot making a perfect circle at the same distance away from the center point.

    Does that make sense?

    I had been trying to set the dot using a formula I saw on here but it's not working on most angles.

    X = X + 30 * cos(angle)

    Y= Y + 30 * cos(angle)

    Any help would be fantastic!

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  • GenkiGenga Thanks, yea it actually is pretty fun. Just really want to get it out there so then I can do some more levels and such. I will definitely take you up on that, I will shoot ya message.

  • I would love to use the Multiplayer plugin but it was really difficult to adapt any of the examples into simple things I was doing for testing.

    If someone made a really well in depth tutorial on just doing a simple platforming game for multiplayer, I think that would go really far.

    It just ended up for me being too much time to invest when I have other small projects I need to finish. But I hope the multiplayer plugin isn't totally abandoned

  • Some screenshots of my almost finished game for iOS, plays like that No Brakes game, called Perpetual Vessel.

    Yes that is a carrot ship lol.

    Using CocoonJS and running pretty great. Fun electronic music I made that randomly plays, has an iAP, and GameCenter leaderboards.

  • Hey Somebody, this looks fantastic! Looks like you put quite a bit of time on it! I will give it a try but keep up the awesome work!

  • Wow that's fantastic! What kind of set up did you need for that? Do you need the Multiplayer plugin and all that crazy networking code or can you just treat inputs individually? I am definitely interested in how you got it working.


  • Looks wonderful! I will definitely have to try this soon. Is it using the Multiplayer plugin?

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