PudgyPlatypus's Recent Forum Activity

  • Nice job! Very well done, congrats! I just started working on a "clicker" game also and it's pretty fun.

    Good luck in the competition!

  • No problem, especially the last part..it was horrible opening the leaderboards and then coming back into the game to watch my spaceship to continuously fly in circles was hilarious but incredibly frustrating.

    I know keeping up with the updates of the CJS plugin is pretty important since it actually has all of the required set up for leaderboards that the original one didn't have.

    I would have my game as an example but Apple is screwing me over with a bunch of stupid tax form crap not working with my account but hopefully you can get yours up quicker than I!

  • One other thing I can think of is to make sure you set your GameCenter account on your device for Sandbox mode, it's the only way I have gotten my game to work with GameCenter when testing.

  • I have been able to get my almost complete game to work with GameCenter and CocoonJS.

    I use the latest version of the CocoonJS plugin from github, and the newest version of the Cloud Compiler for Canvas+. Make sure you have all the correct leaderboard id information that you have to first create in iTunes Connect. ALSO make sure on the device you are testing, that you set your GameCenter account for Sandbox mode or whatever, if I don't have that enabled the pop up of GameCenter won't come up. I referenced the example file from Ludei for C2 and GameCenter quite a bit when first setting it up also.

    Good luck!

    (Oh and extra tidbit, make sure you have C2 exit out of any touch before pulling open the GameCenter window because if you don't, when you come back to the game your Touch event is totally messed up)

  • Yea I'm not super familiar with javascript or LAN networks...like at all lol, so I was curious if it was possible to integrate them..somehow. I can't imagine it being very simple either way and probably still have to program it as if it was a Multiplayer plugin type game. I was more hoping it was easy enough to integrate it where you could program it like it's a local multiplayer game and it just recognizes everyone that connects as more of a "controller" as opposed to a complete separate client, you know?

    I guess on that note, is that possible to anyone's knowledge to get mobile devices to connect to a construct 2 webpage and just use one client as the display and the mobiles are controllers? It's probably something you still have to use the Multiplayer plugin for but I was hoping not because the multiplayer plugin it's pretty beyond me for now.

    Anyways, yes it is a pretty cool thing and I hope some super smart person looks at it for C2

  • I just saw a post for a code-a-thon that incorporated this silly LAN multiplayer that has like 30 players so I went to their website to see it is pretty much all Javascript.

    Just curious if anyone else has seen or looked into this and the possibility of it being able to work with C2 in any way? (There are much smarter people on here so I thought I would post here instead of trying and getting nowhere)



  • Haha well there are a lot of other really useful plugins that come in the package too though, if you plan on using Phonegap a lot then I see it being worthwhile..not so much if you still do Cocoonjs. I've actually gone back to CocoonJS after testing my game in Phonegap and the audio stuttering is really annoying.

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  • AnD4D I would probably forward you to Cranberrygame's plugins that are relatively easy to set up and use. They definitely worked for my iOS/Android app (including keyboard popping up).

    I think they were well worth the small amount of money for the whole bunch of them.

  • I've tried looking for the problem I'm having but haven't come up with much for results. I have successfully gotten Game Center leaderboards to work in my game, so at the end of the level I pull up the leaderboard to show your score which works perfectly fine. The problem comes in when the user MANUALLY clicks a button that opens that same leaderboard, the leaderboard comes up fine and works but when you close the leaderboard the game continuously thinks you are touching one side of the screen and there's no way to stop it unless I force quit out of the app.


    Has anyone come up with this bug also and have you found a way around it? I mean I guess I can always just make it so you can't tap a button to open leaderboards but that seems silly.

  • Hey everyone!

    A year or two back my company wanted to make an app for the owner's brother who was the guy who created the ever growing Rumchata drink (www.rumchata.com) and I was the one chosen to do it. I originally made it in Xcode and it was horrible, so I tried another program called Livecode which was a little better but it was still quite ugly. Just this year I had some extra time and started rewriting it again in Javascript and wrapping it but I'm not well versed in Javascript so I was struggling. BUT luckily I have been messing with Construct 2 for awhile and thought what a great opportunity to rewrite it in there so I did! It took a lot of going back and forth between the wrappers but finally waited and went with Intel XDK for iOS and Android which works pretty well.

    The iOS version is still awaiting approval for the newest version but the Google Play version is updated, so check it out and once the iOS version comes out I will post here and maybe give me some good reviews if you feel super awesome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... hata&hl=en

  • Not a game but I rewrote my original app for the delicious alcohol drink Rumchata in Construct 2. Looks much better than my original version, still has a few issues but oh well. Shoot me some good vibes and give it a good review so my boss gives me a raise one of these days!

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... hata&hl=en

  • Welp I missed last week since some things came up but I have my 3rd game using the wonderful template from the Scirra Store SurvivAstero, which I'm just calling SpaceWaves for now. Made some tweaks to the controls and used some space sprites also from the Scirra store along with some music I made on my iPad for fun. Let me know what you think.


    Also check out PixelGolf again, added some leaderboards which is fun to see who can get the lowest score (still me!)

    Thanks for looking and trying out the games and I got some real fun ones coming next!

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