PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • The ability to just upload Template games as C3 files? Am I missing something or can you not just upload a zip with a C3 project file without it telling me it needs a C2 Capx?

  • Just curious if anyone has tried using the XML plugin with the C3 Runtime? I have a project that goes through huge XML documents really fast in C3 with the C2 structure but if I try and switch it over to C3 runtime it just gets nothing.

    Just wondering if that is a plugin that isnt supported yet?

  • Congrats luckyrawatlucky ! I have been around and in C2 for years now and your videos still help me with concepts I haven't tried or did differently. Keep it up!

    Also that link you posted probably isn't the best one, at least on the American side of youtube, this link worked better for your channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/luckyrawatlucky

    **OH I didn't realize you were talking about your other channel...don't mind me, im dumb. But you should definitely advertise your Construct tutorials here anyways, they are good!**

    My biggest frustration is the "Free" user limitations right now. I KNOW I can make stuff with the limitations but not what I want to test. I would literally start paying right now just so I can do some of the basic functionalities I need in it.

  • I agree mammoth. I waste way more than 8 dollars a month on stupid stuff. Plus you know you are supporting the company to where they can pump out more updates. I think some people need to get over the fact that C2 is NOT gamemaker and it is NOT Unity or Unreal. Being able to hop on to whatever computer to make changes is super nice.

    It not working with iOS on the other hand...ugh

  • I always love seeing stuff you are working on, always has a very distinct look to it.

    The little black/white circles that pop up, are you using basic effects on those, i really like the rough/jagged look to them.

    Keep it up!

  • Looking good so far!

    It seems that the collisions are pretty good which is always something I struggle getting correct with procedural stuff, especially tile maps.

    I didn't come across any odd looking sets from generating it a couple times, keep it up!

  • I think the browser version is a great option, although that just depends on how well it runs in the browser.

    But I could have sworn Ashley mentioning in one of the posts that there was still a way to use it as a standalone if you wanted? I could be wrong, but I think the additional pluses through the browser outweighs any desire for me to have an app version.

    Being able to be at work and on lunch just open a new tab on my work Mac computer and be able to mess with my code sounds pretty awesome.

  • Yes, I ALWAYS have to lower it at least -5 to -10db at a minimum. Super loud

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Gigatron oh I like this effect, I'm curious if it is more efficient than the way I tried reflections before using the Paster plugin? That way seemed like a lot more extra work also.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Gigatron this is a great addition to Effects. Although it runs pretty slow on my work MacBook, but most things do lol. I will have to try it out this weekend. Thanks!

  • a small fishing game for "Fishing Jam 2"


    Haha this looks great!

  • You know when you've started a bunch of projects, and a few them are are almost complete... but then you keep starting more projects?

    some multiplayer testing going on here:

    *Looks at over 30 unfinished C2 projects in Dropbox*...Nope, never happens to me lol

  • Looking great so far! I love me some top down shooters, definitely keep it up!

  • Joben Oh btw I had gotten the same platformer assets and was running through making characters and I had made a girl character based on the original guy. I will give you a link to my dropbox with the assets if you want to use em since I'm not doing anything with them.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... ations.zip